What I'm saying means nothing. Listen to your heart.*

Oct 10, 2011 22:18

Television Without Pity - Battlestar Galactica, "Daybreak, Part 2"
When Will the Work Be Done? by Jacob

...a puzzle to tease out: prove yourself by doing something selfless, and in so doing make it selfish

Caprica by night has churches but the windows are all dark.

Skin on skin, the sweetish smell of ambrosia. Nasty laughter. Ellen Tigh was born for this city, by night: She was made to love it. Made.

She won't have to cheat just to make the pieces fit.

If he says it enough times, it will be true. If he believes hard enough in the world he wants to build, then it will come true.

"It's sad," she laughs at him again, anxious to press on the bruise.

Until tonight, she was an only child.

Gave her a choice: service, or love.

To teach is to govern. To govern is to teach.

Sean Ellison is an apocalypse waiting to happen, if she'll let him. The night is young. So is she.

He doesn't know her yet. The things that aren't important, he doesn't know them.

Their symbol, the Gull, still hangs above the door: Grace, Unity, Life, Love.

His eyelids flutter, terrified, and she looks at him: just enough love to lend him bravery. Imagine those eyes.

He hasn't slept; he looks marvelous.

...the impossible thing of deserving power without wanting it.

"I never belonged to you. You appropriated me." - Gaius Baltar

How long until they pull that gull from the sky, and chain it down again?

Bravery's another one: a thing you can't have and know you have it. He's still young enough to think fear and bravery are opposites, instead of lovers, but he's learning.

She searches his face, smiling, trying to find what has changed. Where he has aged, and changed, and grown.

"She will not fail us if we do not fail her." - Bill Adama

She sings to God and God sings back songs of war, but Sam's voice overpowers them all.

The Hybrid has no interest in guns, but she never gets a vote. Aspiration, but no voice.

A closed system lacks the ability to renew itself; an open system looks wishy-washy to everybody else.

And the old man is saying, "In the midst of confusion, he finds her again: enemies brought together by impossible longing, joined as one."

"Angels take the guise of those who are nearest and dearest to you: those who can understand your doubts and your trials, and steer you back on the road to salvation." - Other Gaius Baltar

"As for now..." he is arch, with caring so far back in the eyes you can barely see it.

She was born for this ship: she was made to love it. Made.

It's bad, and bright, and red [...].

"God's not on any one side. God's a force of nature, beyond good and evil. Good and evil, we created those." - Gaius Baltar

I like the implication of a double-blind in which the Gods have a personal stake in your personal well-being, while also being infinitely infinite to the point where you're just part of one big dance, so stop trying to make God the mascot for your temporary, self-contained bullshit.

Flip it along an axis and you've got the four functions, Intuition Feeling Thinking Sensation, and their associated shadows, and Sam's in the middle transcending and connecting it to the capital-S Self, the higher purpose. Flip it again and you're looking at the classic Elements, or the Humors, or Hogwarts Houses, or members of the Fantastic Four, or the Golden Girls, or Carrie Bradshaw and her friends. There aren't really that many stories we tell each other.

Tory goes deep, trying to stay conscious, and keep back the darker parts of herself. That's always been the problem.

She screams, and pushes weakly at his chest; his hands are larger than her head.

Climb into the cockpit with ghosts and you don't come out.

He looks so old, for a moment.

She looks down, and up into his eyes. Imagine the eyes of someone who's shown you their worst, and knows that your kindness is inexhaustible. The trust.

He can't look at her. Another wall falls down: the first lie. We're all, deep inside of us, every age we've ever been. That boy deserves love. More, and more, and more love.

Dirty hands, sharp wit, broken heart, a thousand endings. All of these at once, that's the man she loves. Someone to be proud of.

This is her grave, marked with sticks, a cairn of stones. Not in fire, or water, or air: only earth, the solid ground. Something to stand on, someone to be proud of. Only earth, because she was his, and he was hers. I want you to know what I like.

"You know," he says, "I've never known you to play the optimist. Why the change of heart?" She lays it out in math: "Law of averages. Let a complex system repeat itself long enough, eventually something surprising might occur. That too is in God's plan." He leans in, over his sunglasses, with a darker voice. "You know It doesn't like that name." She makes a face; it doesn't like any names at all. It doesn't need them. It is immanence. It's the singularity, already and always.

...that there's an endpoint, a reason for it all, a final mystery. That all will be revealed. Trust the story, and it will be.

Because courage, not intelligence, is what earns you love, and the right to exist.

"Commercialism, decadence, technology run amok" are inscribed as natural human endpoints, and the Hybrid and Lee agree, at different points, that cities and civilization are the root cause of all evil.

...that's a pretty long list, to be a coincidence [...].

Human development on the individual level is self-organizing: toward strength, wholeness and transformation. That's what a soul is: the natural desire to cross the line from here to there, to move and to progress. If not for a higher purpose, then at the least from of curiosity. Everything that rises, every single thing, must converge. I haven't seen a story this...hateful, this reductive and frightened and shrinking, in a really long time. / Why on Earth should anyone, anywhere, ever retrograde? If you don't like the thesis, generate the antithesis and pull it together with your hands: don't wipe the board. I don't think I've been more grossed out by any statement of this show's characters than the order not to "underestimate the desire for a clean slate." Anyone who honestly wants a clean slate wants to die. The question is, "When Will the Work Be Done?" And the only answer is: Never. You don't get to lay down your burdens, the rough spots are all you ever had. That's called life, and it's just as sweet and just as brutal as the angels, and the Gods. You can't tear pages out of your history. That's as weak as declaring bankruptcy, and morally reprehensible. It is profane. / You can't total out a human soul, can't ask for a factory recall, can't stalk your inner Tory and choke her to death, because she's not going anywhere. That just gives her more power over you, and you become uglier for it. You learn from her, you integrate, and you grow. Anything else is a warp in the design that you cause, out of your own cowardice, and laziness. / The future is always better than the past. Even Voltaire knew that, and he invented this trite shtick. If you can't believe that - if you fear the future you're creating, for yourself - you're done. Because there's no point: end it today, or stop bitching and apply yourself to making it better, because essentially the implication is that nobody knows how to save the world, but you, and nobody but yours will ever figure it out. That is dead. That is death.

This is not a write-off. This is a personal problem with particular and personal conclusions that pushed personal buttons.

But no matter how hopeless it seems at this point in the story, the fact remains: We start every week in prayer: for more light, more wisdom, more strength. That will never change. Keep rising.

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* Gaius Baltar

actors: misha collins, fandom: behind the scenes, tv: supernatural, fandom: art, books: harry potter, actors: jensen ackles, fandom: fanvids, software, fandom; fic, actors: interviews, books: excerpts, fandom: fanmixes, tv: doctor who, tv; dollhouse, fandom: crossover, music

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