Gather ye ryte close, goode people.*

Oct 08, 2011 21:34

Supernatural 7x01-02 Review: Actually, this won't be so much a review as a collection of my flailing at seschat and mrscastielftw.

With seschat, via Inbox:

I was flailing too hard to actually come up with an overall response to the episode, but I think I enjoyed it, overall.

Most of that was my loving Godstiel being wrathful and awesome, the legit soulsplosion (!), and then being all squeeful over Misha acting as a delightfully evil and fun monster. (I want more Leviathonstiel, damnit!) I was also quite pleased that they were addressing the Godstiel problem right away and trying to get Castiel back right from the get-go, instead of dragging it out all season (of course, that was before I saw how getting Cas back ended :/)

Mainly though I just loved all the little things, that they were all trying to build back their bridges and that Castiel asked for help AND GOT IT and and OMG SAM PRAYING TO CAS AND STANDING UP FOR HIM ALL THE HEARTS. I thought it set things up well for the season, starting right off with a big bad for the year. (I may well be horribly disappointed, of course.)

My creys are tinged with a) ALL THE LOST POTENTIAL (why no Godstiel? more Leviathonstiel! that brief moment when I thought Castiel had been sucked into purgatory and Jimmy was back!), b) WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK (divided between the authors and Dean), mainly, although there's some 1) sexual frustration (holy gods was Mark looking glorious, and Godstiel was just aslkdjaldk), 2) character love (Sam! Bobby!). And I'll admit to stopping for a moment whilst watching to just stare at Jensen sitting at a table with beautiful lighting and just soaking in the pretty.

The Leviathon is a bad motherf. Basically it's one part Giant Sea Monster, one part Devourer of Worlds. Either way, it's basically the story going, "here is something older, meaner, and far more dangerous than what you've been fighting up to now and that will probably bring about yet another apocalypse (with goo!)". Speaking of goo, it's a lot like the goo that came out of Bobby's ear when he was possessed by the Mother of All's monster slug thing. And never has a Supernatural Season card been so clearly connected to the season's theme than this year. Look at all the goo and funky ink stains!

Misha was fucking awesome as everything. All the different characters and versions of Cas, just asdkjfhakdsf. This man! I fell in love with Godstiel (and a bit with Leviathostiel too). I was shocked they dealt with Godstiel so quickly after all that build-up. Damn you, writers! There's so many characters Misha could play and you don't let us keep a single one?!?

[On Godstiel's verbal beatdown of the boys.]: The dance of joy was danced and it was awesome. Godstiel gave Sam and Dean such a verbal beatdown. I loved that he told Sam he had nothing to say to him because he'd *literally* stabbed him in the back. Godstiel is <3

[On why God put the Leviathon in purgatory with all the souls]: From what the Daddy of All Vampires said, and what Crowley and Lenore have been saying, purgatory is the heaven+hell of monsters, it's where they go when they die, and human souls get heaven or hell, but supposedly not purgatory because they're a differenty type of soul. (Of course, there's still the question of where the hell John and Mary Winchester are, if they're not in heaven or hell.) So in that case it makes sense to lock dangerous monsters in the monster-afterlife-place. (As to why God thought it was a good idea to lock an angel - Lucifer - in the human-afterlife-place I have no idea. Maybe purgatory was too full. Besides, if the hell-cage broke and Lucifer AND the Leviathon were there and set free, we'd be double-fucked.) So God putting the Leviathon in purgatory is like God putting them in another dimension - a monster dimension - away from human souls where they won't be able to escape.

On a shallow note, \o/ for Sam's hair being floppier, though. I'm fine if the only "back to basics" we see is in their hair and wardrobe, though. I just don't want my boys to regress into young twenty-somethings instead of almost-or-past thirty-somethings (holy mother they've grown up!) and have them lose all the emotional growth they've had. Although I am sick and tired of Dean being defeatest and tired and "oh woe is me life sucks I can't catch a break". Remember when he was cocky and flirty? I miss that side of Dean :(

Do you realize that at the moment there are no female characters in the show? (Or, if you've watched 7x02, there *are* female characters but they are just plot points and damsels in distress and THAT IS SO NOT COOL and I am actually angry about that.) ALL MEN. ALL THE TIME. [...] Like, zero. 7x01 had noooooothing in the way of women, and 7x02 didn't do much better. *stares pointedly at writers*

[On Dean's reactions to Castiel]: ...basically the thing to remember is that this is *Dean*. We know Dean, we know how he reacts (read: doesn't) to shit going down. Like he said, he keeps his marbles (and emotions) in a lead box until one day, *wham*, he beats the shit out of the Impala. One meta I read said that Dean coped with Castiel's fate through anger, just pushing everything else down and riding it out with anger until such a time as the world wasn't ending and Sam wasn't having a melt down and he could just take it in and COPE (I think that's why he's so tired and wants to "catch a break" so hard - he needs some downtime to just process everything). So Dean's coping with everything by resolutely NOT feeling and if he does let himself feel it's anger and frustration, and he self-medicates with whiskey (because he's a hopelesse alcoholic and HOW CAN HE FUNCTION WITH THAT MANY DRINKS?!?)

That's the wonder of Jensen playing Dean, and of Dean himself: it's the little things that give him away. That little hand-clench of the trenchcoat, the way he rushed to hold Cas steady in front of the purgatory sigil, him telling Cas he didn't have to make amends, all those things were basically the equivalent of Dean shouting from a mountaintop that he loved his stupid angel. I just love that so much of this character <3 (Aaaaand I just realized these are from 7x02 but I'm sure Dean wasn't that much of an ass - deep, deep down - in 7x01).

Watch Dean closely - and I mean put that boy under a microscope. Also, Dean can be a bit of an ass sometimes, in that he'll be all "no, I hate you!" in the things he says and does but you can see he's breaking into a thousand little pieces. (Compare his treatment of and reactions to Bobby - how he snaps at him and then how he breaks for a split second, only to scrape himself back together because it's all about Sam and Sam is the only one that matters and Dean just needs to keep it together for just that little bit longer and OH MY GOD BABY DARLING I'M GOING TO CRY, DAMNIT DEAN!)

[On how Sam's question of why Castiel couldn't be helped and forgiven was never answered.]: BUT AT LEAST IT WAS ASKED AND BY SAM TOO AND OMG I LOVE YOU FOREVER SAM FOR SHOWING THE HYPOCRACY AND MASSIVE, MASSIVE HOLE IN THEIR REASONING AND REACTIONS AND ALSKFJLADKFG. Sorry. All the feelings and all that. I did a little dance when Sam asked that. Just, ugh, Sam <3

[On Halluciantion!Lucifer.]: I AM HAPPY WITH THIS PLOTLINE! Questioning reality ftw! Sanity problems ftw! Companions-invisible-to-others ftw! Lucifer ftw! I want Lucifer to hang around the whole rest of the season, making snarky comments in the background.

With mrscastielftw, here and here:

Basically my reactions are one part incoherent flailing, one part Sam-love and Death-love, two parts denial, a shot of Bobby "he touched Cas' shoulder reassuringly" fist-punch, a mess of feelings regarding Dean, a healthy dose of "sweet mother did Crowley look hot", and ALL THE FEELINGS regarding Castiel. Also, I kinda loved seeing Misha be the Leviathon, even though my heart was at that moment being ground into a fine powder. This all boils down to flailing and crying and denial of all things.

And what bothers me the most was I was actually enjoying the idea of Leviathon!Cas for a few more episodes because I enjoy crazy, gloating, happy villains like that. But no, we had to have the Great Inkstain of Despair instead.

By the way, for one tiny moment when Cas was revived and all confused, I thought we were going to see Jimmy again (and rejoiced) and Cas' grace had slipped into Purgatory with all the other souls, which, now that I think of it, would've made a pretty fine storyline.

Why does this show like ripping our emotions to shreds to much? Dean's folding of the trenchcoat just broke me... No body, no death (and a trenchcoat doesn't count). Besides, this is constantly-resurrected Cas we're talking about, so hope (and denial) is the rule.

Not only is there the question of who fixed the coat, but just how did the coat and only the coat float up so conveniently at Dean's feet. If Castiel dissolved, then the coat would still have had the shirt and possibly even the tie attached to it. But since it was just the coat they found, then someone had to take the coat off - it wouldn't just float off a drifting body, for example. And I find it hard to believe it would float so well, especially as to reach land.

Of course, maybe this is all a mute point and the authors just thought it would be sad and dramatic and visually devastating, which, congrats, it was. I hold fast to my hope that Cas will eventually show up again. At least we still have Crowley around, right? *bites nails*

I really hope they go the Talmud and archangel way [wherein Gabriel defeats the Leviathon] and deal with Adam, Michael and Gabriel. Adam and Michael have been mentioned (baaaarely) this and last season and that has to be resolved.

I'm especially annoyed at Dean not saying a peep about Adam after Death said he couldn't get both Adam and Sam out of hell. Not even a "gee, I wish we could've gotten him out too"?! I hope Sam's hallucinations bring it up (although so far it's been heavy on the "it's just Lucifer and Sam in the cage" angle).

Hmm, Leviathon!Godstiel (damnit, it's so hard keeping track of who's running Jimmy's ship!) using "we" regarding Michael could very well be "we the Leviathon folk", although my initial reading was simply "you and me, Crowley". (This is why I keep thinking English needs two "we" versions: "us but not you" and an "us including you"). I do remember a line Castiel said in "The Man Who Would Be King" about how if his and Crowley's plan didn't work, they'd die "over and over" or something like that... Can't remember the wording exactly, but it sounded like there was more to their partnership that just getting power. (Of course, he may have just been referring to Raphael making them toast and not the apocalypse or other things...) [Also, when Godstiel was brand new and not taken over by Leviathon, he also said he had plans for Crowley, so it looks likely it was Castiel-and-Crowley and not Leviathon-plural who were the "we".]

I didn't believe the Leviathon for a second when it said Cas was dead. He's not running the ship, sure, but not "poof, wing-explosion" dead. My bet's on a "love with save the day" recovery of Castiel, like with Sam and Lucifer.

My wishlist for S7 finale: 1) love saves the day and 2) everything is shades of grey (in terms of certain villains who help the heroes, and the heroes who are a bit frustrating at times).

Supernatural 7x03 Review - Three points:
  • Jewel Staite! \o/
  • Wee!Sam \o/
  • Dean. What. the fuck. To quote Lameassmadeupmaidenname, "Dean is a character I’ve loved and related to and admired from the very start, and now he’s just... not." I get why you did it - the reasoning you used and the emotions you needed to have to do it, but I just can't. I can't anything.

Grey's Anatomy 8x01-04 Brief Review (and mini-rant on people who just don't want to be parents and the people who just don't get that): This show will never not make me tear up, damnit. At this point, I'm well-apt in hand-waving how they miraculously save characters from professional ruin, although it's nice to see some consequences. The Chief's enthusiasm is adorable, and I loved seeing all the guys take out all their frustrations on the porch. I really like Derek and Hunt's friendship as "the husbands" (although not as much as I liked Derek and Cristina's friendship last year, because that was precious and lovely). Teddy being suddenly so head-over-heels is a bit strange to see, but nice anyway. Everyone else I like just as much as I did last season.

However, my main point and basically the only reason I'm writing this measley review is that I was hugely relieved and ready to stand up and applaud the show for how they dealt with Cristina, her anti-motherhood stance and her abortion. As a (fictional) person, I love Christina a lot and admire her drive and certainty.

As a character, I am over the moon with her not wanting to have children just because. There's not enough characters out there who represent the faction of women who just don't want children. I was terrified they'd go the route of, "it's different when they're your own" and have her keep the baby and it all be sparkles and glitter. In S7's season finale, hated Hunt's arguments of, "think about me, I want to be a dad" and "you'll be a great mom" and "it's my baby too, we're a partnership" because it was him asking her to change everything about who she was and her life forever and she was asking him to accept who she was and if what they had now could be good enough and to just not break her and them and everything.

I was furious when he started talking about a compromise because how can there be a compromise?!?. Christina doesn't want her to be a mother, he wants her to mother his child. There's no middle ground, not "sorta" in carrying through with a pregnancy. Seriously, what? Would Cristina have the baby and then Owen raises the baby by himself on some island with the Others? Forget Owen being the one on leave with the baby, even forget him being a stay-at-home dad and raising the child: they're still married and Cristina would still be a mother and there would still be a child in her life. It's not that she doesn't want to the baby to interrupt her career or that she doesn't want to mess with diapers or that she think's she'd be a terrible mother; she doesn't want to be a mother and this is one of life's paths she doesn't want to walk.

I know, I know, I'm being unfair to Hunt and to all the people who desperately want children, but I can't understand how you could put the idea of being a parent and of having a child above your partner's wishes and ask them to make such a huge life-changing decision for you and your idea.

Also, Sandra Oh deserves all the awards for when Cristina broke and cried when Owen accepted her choice and offered to go with her to have abortion.

(In case you haven't noticed, I'm identifying with Cristina because hey, guess what? I don't want children either. Just don't.

Have some quotes to add to that rant.
Cristina: I don't want to be a mother.
Owen: Cristina, do you love me?
Cristina: Of course I do.
Owen: Do you trust me?
Cristina: Yes.
Owen: You'd be a great mother. I know you don't believe me, but it is true. Just sit with this for a little while - this terrible idea that you might love a baby, for me just...
Cristina: Did you hear me? Why would I do that?
Owen: Because you love me - that's why.

Meredith: I have a plan. I'm going to be a mom. [...] Maybe getting fired was a good thing. What do cheerful people say when something crappy happens and they make it sound like it wasn't crappy?
A blessing in disguise?
Meredith:Yeah! Maybe that's what this is. This is that. And I can make jam and drive carpool and have playgroups. And maybe that's enough. And maybe I'll be a great mom.
Cristina:'Kay, 'kay. I'm gonna vomit and call me when Meredith comes back.
Meredith:Maybe you wanna be a mom too, and that's why you can't go through with it.
Cristina: I wish I wanted a kid. I wish I wanted one so bad, 'cause then this would be easy. I would be happy. I'd have Owen and my life wouldn't be a mess. But I don't. I don't want a kid. I mean, I don't want to make jam, I don't want to carpool. I really, really, really don't want to be a mother. I want to be a surgeon. Please, get it. I need someone to get it. And I wish that someone was Owen, I wish that any minute he'll get it and show up for me but that's not gonna happen. And you're my person. I need you to be there at six o'clock tonight to hold my hand 'cause I am scared, Mer', and sad, 'cause my husband doesn't get that, so I need you to.

Meredith: Owen. She didn't have the abortion. She wants to but she can't do it because of you, because she loves you. And instead of loving her, you're punishing her. For what? For being the woman that you fell in love with?
Owen:This isn't any of your business.
Meredith: Okay, do you know what will happen to Cristina if she has a kid that she doesn't want? It will almost kill her. Trying to pretend that she loves a kid as much as she loves surgery will almost kill her and it'll almost kill your kid. Do you know what it's like to be raised by someone who didn't want you? I do. To know you stood in the way of your mother's career? I do. I was raised by a Cristina, my mother was a Cristina. And as the child she didn't want I am telling you, don't do this to her, because she's kind and she cares and she won't make it. The guilt of resenting her own kid will eat her alive.

Owen: When's the appointment?
Cristina: Now.
Owen: Okay. Okay. Let's go.
Cristina: [breaks down sobbing]

Person of Interest 1x01 Review:
  • Michael Emerson \o/
  • ...I don't care about the other main character.
  • I wanted to like this show so, so much. I was practically enamoured with it even before watching it and now... Meh. I'll watch 1x02 and 03, because it might happen like with Human Target (I didn't like it at first and then fangirled all over it). But so far, I'me very meh. It wasn't love at first sight like Leverage or White Collar.
  • "It doesn't really matter where I get the numbers" - Lost-squee \o/ Of course it matters, Ben! 4 8 15 16 23 42!
  • Michael Emerson with his Harry-Potter Ben-glasses ♥

Meme: 30-Day Original Story Development Challenge
Here is a 30 day original story development challenge. It can be filled by prose or illustration or comic or even just script, whatever works for you and how you’ll be displaying the setting. Feel free to reveal as much or as little as you want.

Day 17 - What are popular sports and hobbies in your setting?

Chip glanced down at his hands and felt his heart jump. He couldn't be that lucky. Chip shifted in his seat and glanced at the other people sitting around the table, wondering if any had been watching him, if they'd caught something in his face that would give him away. He saw Rissa's eyes flicker away from him and settle on her hands resting folded on the table. Chuck poured himself a drink, sliding the bottle to the right where it bumped against Steve's huge hand.

Chip took another glance at his cards. It looked good. Really good. He might be able to go somewhere with these. He didn't have much in the way of bottle caps to back him up, but maybe he could squeeze past Rissa's keen eyes this time and get some of his earnings back. He didn't want to have to do anyone's chores if he could help it.

Icarus leaned into his shoulder and Chip lifted the corners of his cards to let him have a look. Icarus had played been kicked off the poker team after the first time and his caps redistributed. No one, not even Rissa, could decipher a single thing from the angel's face, so he'd invariably beat them all. (For much the same reason, nobody looked forward to playing poker with Dean.) Had it been strip poker, the whole gang would have been stark naked and Icarus wouldn't have even taken off his shoes.

Day 18 - What would your protagonist do if they saw your antagonist on the street?
Day 19 - What would your antagonist do if they saw your protagonist on the street?
Day 20 - Demonstrate a character and their best friend and/or love interest interacting as they most commonly do.
Day 21 - What is a character's deepest desire?
Day 22 - What animals appear in your setting?
Day 23 - A unique place in your setting.
Day 24 - Where did you draw inspiration for the setting/story from?
Day 25 - A character's proudest moment.
Day 26 - What special talents or abilities does a character have?
Day 27 - An average day to a character.
Day 28 - A character's most embrassing moment.
Day 29 - An important thematic element.
Day 30 - A major event in the setting's history.

Video of the Day: "Shooting fish in the barrel, why is it that?", Djflula

image Click to view

Links of the Day:
tracy_loo_who's Hug Castiel
's Review Meet the New Boss, Hello, Cruel World
bythedamned's Fic Riding Shotgun
philomel's Fic A Dainty Dish To Set Before The King
notyourpanel's Fic Feel This
princess_aleera's Fic A Soggy Trenchcoat
emerald_embers's Fic Disappeared in its Depths
ashdoode's Fanvid I Shall Believe ; Are We There Yet?
tearaphoenix's Fanvid This is Gonna Hurt
daggomus_prime's Fanart It's more snuggles
firsttimelady's Icons Meet the New Boss
padabee's Icons Assorted
morgentau's Icons S6 Gag Reel & Meet the New Boss
dean_sam's flocked Magazine 22-26, Magazine 27, Part 1, Magazine 27, Part 2
TV to Bing About's Sera Gamble Interview
Rapid Fire's Q&A With Jared and Jensen - So adorable!
Assignmentx's Interview Misha Collins elevates his character to a higher being

Doctor Who:

obsessive24's Fanvid Knock Me Out

Other Fandom:
mediocrechick's EW Scans The Walking Dead and Psych
Io9's A 7-year-old girl responds to DC Comics’ sexed-up reboot of Starfire



made_of_fail_pc's Episode Forty-Six: Love Is On the Air Tonight
theweaselking's Photo Sheered llama
lienne's Recipe Pie
ursulav's A Buncha Things To Do Before You Die ; Further thoughts on fan fiction...
ZOMGitsCriss's "Live Action" on Abortion - "So the other day I had the misfortune to watch one of the most propaganda piece-of-shit videos that I've seen in my life, and I'm not even overstating this. [...] And I have to warn you to wear some fucking head protection or something: there's gonna be a lot of stupid hitting you in the face."
Wiki's TV Series: Worst Case Scenario ; Quasicrystal - Such a pretty structure!
GayYearBlog's New species of monkey discovered in pocket of Amazon forest
Ghost theory's
Catherynne M. Valente's Short Story
White LInes on a Green Field
Gijs van Vaerenbergh's Reading Between the Lines - See-through church
DaiyMail's Great British Bake Off viewers shocked by 'explicit' image of male squirrel
Flickr's Nightmares Fear Factory's photostream
AllThatIsInteresting's The First Zombie-Proof House - ...I might prefer the zombies to living there.

* Agnes Nutter, Good Omens by TPratchett and NGaiman

actors: misha collins, actors: david tennant, fandom: fic, tv: supernatural, books: harry potter, tv: behind the scenes, fandom: analysis, actors: jensen ackles, actors: michael emerson, tv: angel, human rights, fandom: fanvids, actors: mark sheppard, tv: btvs, memes, actors: interviews, fandom: fanmixes, tv: firefly, tv: doctor who, nanowrimo, fandom: icons, music

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