A smile is the universal welcome.*

May 10, 2011 00:13

My dreams this weekend have been a) remembered (whoot whoot!), b) fannish, and c) awesome:

  • Dream 1: [I've been rereading Jane Yolen's Sister Light, Sister Dark, which I love, and which is apparently the basis of this dream.] I'm standing in front of a mirror, looking at myself from one angle and another, or rather, trying to look past myself in the reflection. Then I put my hands to the mirror and try to pull my Dark Sister out. I can almost see her and I know she's there, but my hands on the mirror don't feel warm flesh, so I can't grab hold of her enough to pull her out. [Obviously there's a lot of yearning in this dream, once you know what Dark Sisters are.]
  • Dream 2: [I loved this dream so, so much. Despite its wierdness.] I am at a convention, but not in line, for the meet-and-great. It looks more like a bank teller or secretary spot, with the person behind a very tall desk, so you look down at them sitting whilst you stand, hovering over the dividers. Misha Collins is sitting and, apparently, has nothing to do and no fans waiting to talk to him, and I'm just sitting there, so he leans to the side and smiles at me, in a "we're both here, why don't we chat" sort of way. [That, right there, is why this dream wins.]

    So I do, having to haul myself up to see him over the divider. I tell him how this week's episode made me want to cry, and how I've always loved Castiel - I have to correct myself in case he misunderstands that I like Castiel now, and didn't before.

    Later, in the center of a room, a very large, very round horse is being led around the room. It's a normal-sized horse except that its legs are about two feet long, so it's dragging its belly on the ground like a dachshund. Cute, disturbing, take your pick. The thing is, Misha bought the horse for his son. [Let me explain here that a) I used to horsebackride and b) the bestest horse ever at one of the schools I learnt at was sold, but still stabled there. It was sold to a tiny little wee young boy who was just learning to ride. I thought this was absolutely horrible because the horse, Whiskey, was an amazing show jumper, and I thought it was such a waste. Similarly, my second-cousin was bought a mare and foal by her uncle when she didn't even know how to ride, or in fact liked it, or ever learnt, or the uncle knew how to take care of the horses, so they just stood there in paddocks next to the cows and their hooves over-grew and I got very upset. So horses bought for unmatched riders is a thing with me.]

    Then, talking to a fan-event organizer and Misha, I get invited to go to a fan-dinner (with like 400 people, but it still feels special because I was invited and whoot and all that). I forget my purse on the bus, and have to mime at Misha from the other side of the train tracks for him to tell me what bus number we were on, so I can tell the lost-and-found people I'm standing in line to see. Turns out we're in Washington DC, not that I know how we got there, and I'm trying to keep my cool about not having a thing in the world.

  • * Max Eastman

    actors: misha collins, my dreams

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