Send a hope upon a wave*

Feb 06, 2011 21:42

I woke up barely on the right side of am today, on account of going to sleep around 3 am last night, on account of that unending meme followed by Grey's Anatomy. (Can I just say, I love Mark and Cally. I don't care whether they're just friends or lovers or raising children together, I love how they were together and what they mean to each other. Excuse me while I covet that sort of relationship.)

When my parents got back this morning from walking around on the beach - a fact I wasn't aware of until they came back, of course, which made me feel loved and oh hai sarcasm - I wasn't the most chipper of things. Then, well, my parents got back, which made the value of the chipperness fall quite a bit more, on account of them - or rather, mom - feeling that I shouldn't participate in family events because I shouldn't be living here anyway and should actually have my own life. Then we're having lunch and the radio decides it hates me and wants to tear my heart into little pieces, because it plays the following three songs: Life by Erykah Badu, Life for Rent by Dido, and Home by Michael Bublé. No cookie for you, radio.

On the plus side, I Did Things today. Granted, those things took a tiny part of the morning and I've done jack squat since then, but still, things were accomplished. Not things I need accomplished (CV rewrite!), or even want (fanfic!), but Things, y'know? They were such small things as cleaning my room - or the floor, at least - and sowing a gaping tear in my purse lining, but they were Things.

Meme: Good Things:

Day 2: Roast lamb, Supernatural and Grey's Anatomy. That was good.
Day 3 The doing of things. That was also good. Also, The Secret Diary of a Call Girl 4x01.

I have a feeling this meme isn't going to shine very much.

Links of the Day:
tartysuz's Meta A Mother of a Theory
hemrage's AU Fic The Thirteenth Child
subarashiine's Collection Unofficial Supernatural Soundtrack, Season 6 - WIP
vicious_sock's Fanart Hug - Finally!
geckoholic's Fanmix I'll Keep Your Memory Vague (Dean/Lisa)

True Blood:
Loving True Blood in Dallas' embed Nelsan Ellis talks about Lafayette Reynolds - ...and his headscarves

yumemisama's Discussion of the show
etothepii's Good Omens Crossover Fic I Used to Live Alone Before I Knew You
Di0br's Doctor Who Crossover Fanvid A Study in Time - AWESOMENESS, via seschat

infinidimincorp's Essay Shaving with Occam, Birdwatching with Hempel - On faith.
wtf_sexism's On the GOP's proposed redefinition of rape - Fuck them. ; embed a lecture on the image of women in advertising, how it affects people and why it is a problem - WATCH THIS, Parts 1-4
Neil Gaiman's Once you've got a lamppost... - Photos of win!
Tacoface's embed 19-year-old University of Iowa engineering student Zach Wahls speaks out in support of his same-sex parents and other same-sex households during an Iowa House of Representatives public forum on House Joint Resolution 6: Amending the Iowa Constitution to Define Marriage as Between One Man, One Woman
Joelle's Sacred Grove - All things Celtic
Tee Fury Shirts
Let Me Google That For You

* "Lullaby", Sia

tv: supernatural, fandom: analysis, religion, human rights, my daily life, family, memes, actors: interviews, photographs, things: coveted, tv: true blood, authors: neil gaiman, tv: doctor who, fandom: crossover, tv: sherlock, fandom: fanmix

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