Intent and outcome are so rarely coincident.*

Feb 06, 2011 01:29

This week seems to be the week of Good and Rarely-Had Food, considering yesterday's the chocolate mousse, huevos rancheros (fried eggs and fried corn flour tortillas? Heaven!) Plus, Dad brought home tamales this week because his office got together and ordered some made. I haven't had tamales since what was probably the last century, and these were alright. What I really miss from Mexico - apart from the deliscious sandwiches they made at my school shop and Pelón Pelo Rico - are falutas. Oh gods, what I wouldn't do for one of those... Today we continued the food trend with roast lamb, which is something we'd usually have in the summers in Spain and I'd wait for every year. Wee little lamb ribs are so deliscious! I don't care how cute they are!

In other - more international - news, Egypt is happening. In the more personal - potentially selfish - news version of this, because Egypt is happening, and other countries are also happening, the project I was working on - that job I had - has been cancelled. I'm going to get paid for January, but that's it. Back to the dead-end internship. *tries to kick self in the pants and get a move on with the job hunt* *fails miserably*

Yesterday I watched my first ever episode of Private Practice. I'd been seeing the promo for the episode all week for 4x7 and thought, well damn, that much drama has to be seen. I was a bit sad to see that Tim Daly wasn't as astoundingly hot as I remembered him from the Grey's Anatomy episodes 3x22-23 (but then, it's been 3 years). I mean, look at this sexy thing!

image Click to view

Well, the episode was good and dramatic and all that jazz but I stopped caring for a good long while because all I could do was flail and point and squee things that sounded like "Nicholas Brendon!" and "Xander!" Oh, it was so good to see him on the screen again! I haven't seen Nicholas in anything since Buffy ended, and it was so strange to see him even more grown up - where those grey hairs?!? Plus, it was absolutely delicious to see him be evil. I had a massive crush on Xander in early Buffy (well, until Angel swept me off my feet with the brooding angst). It was 1x06 The Pack that really kick-started the mad squee. (Even though it also peeved me the hell off because hyena packs are matriarchies and the males run away in terror from the females.) Even way back in 1997, I had a thing for lanky evil guys. Just look at the sexy!

image Click to view

Curious Sickle Fact: I always thought Nicholas Brendon looked a lot like Raine Maida (of the band Our Lady Peace), although this might have been influenced by my learning of the two's existence at the same time. However, the best evidence I can offer:

Nicholas Brendon as Xander Harris of BtVS (Buffyworld)

Raine Maida (center) of Our Lady Peace (Raine Maida Image Gallery and Blog) Or watch him in action in the Superman's Dead music video (oh, Much Music and Hot Presenter, how I miss you!), which is where I first saw him and said, "OMG! It's Xander! ...with a different nose."

Meme: 80 Questions via ginnith:

1. What curse word do you use the most? Probably "fuck".

2. Do you own an iPod? Yes. It was a gift from my parents, and the one I had before that - my first iPod - was a graduation gift from my brother.

3. What person on your flist do you talk to the most? seschat

4. What time is your alarm clock set to? 7:50. It used to be 8:00, but trust me, I need those extra ten minutes to not be horribly late.

5. Do you still remember the first person you kissed? Yes. I can even whip up the actual date, too. (I keep a diary, yo.)

6. Do you remember where you were on 9/11/01? First-year Physics class at University in Montreal. The professor expressed his regrets to all students with folk in New York and I had no idea what he was talking about until I was walking back to Residence and I heard people talking about planes and buildings and at first I thought they were talking about a movie until I walked into the common room and saw the news.

7. Would you rather take the picture or be in the picture? Taking them. I can't appreciate pictures when I'm in them.

8. What was the last movie you watched? *pulls up agenda* Coluche, l'histoire d'un mec. It sucked, but at least it was free.

9. Do any of your friends have children? No.

10. Has anyone ever called you lazy? No. I have been told to get my shit together, though.

11. Do you ever take medication to help you fall asleep? Never have, and only rarely to I have trouble falling asleep. Anyway, I just daydream until I doze off, so it's all good.

12. What cd is currently in your cd player? I don't have a CD player and haven't listened to my CDs in ages. The last one I listened to, though, was a collection of Chopin's waltzes, which I love. Although why when you have 14 tracks and waltzes 1-14, you don't put them in order, as in Track 1 = Waltz 1, I don't understand.

13. Do you prefer regular or chocolate milk? I rarely have chocolate milk, so when I do it's a special occasion. However, generally, give me good ol' white milk.

14. Has anyone told you a secret this week? Not as far as I know.

15. When was the last time you had Starbucks? Oh dear... Was it early 2009? Unless that coffee and muffin I had in O'Hare this past December was Starbucks.

16. Can you whistle? Yes, although sometimes it comes out wrong.

17. What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? The first thing I see. Obviously. Unless I hear them first.

18. What are you looking forward to? *laughs hysterically* Let's say Supernatural and leave it at that, okay?

19. Did you watch cartoons as a child? Oh yes! My Little Pony, He-Man, She-Ra, The Care Bears and then, later, The X-Men and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

20. Do you own any band t-shirts? No. I do own a U2 pin, though. It's red with a black suitcase with a heart in it, from their Elevation tour of 2001.

21. What will you be doing in one hour? Watching this week's Grey's Anatomy and possibly crying over it. Damn music. (Or probably still writing this meme. Damn meme.)

22. Is anyone in love with you? Not that I know of.

23. What was the last song you heard? Superman's Dead by Our Lady Peace.

24. When was the last time you cried? Although it's been threatening tears for ages, I haven't actually properly cried in a good while. I think maybe December.

25. Are you on a desktop computer or a laptop? Laptop. There are no desktops in the house.

26. Are you currently wanting any piercings or tattoos? Not seriously, no. I wanted a scarab tattoo on my upper back for a few years, and really wanted a nose piercing for a shorter while.

I've been thinking about something with the word fortitude and a tree on and off with no particular decision. I've also been wanting a Chinese word related to travel (like, travellor, wandering, endless road, or something) on my heel, but deciding on the word is the least of my problems. I also have ideas for tattoos I know I'd never get, like Gallifreyian writting, or text of ee cumming's somewhere i have never travelled or something by Neil Gaiman (like, "Trust your heart, and trust your story", for example). But I think I'll never actually ever get a tattoo. (Curiously, my brother got a tattoo of one of Escher's lizards.)

27. What's the weather like? Dark.

28. Would you ever date a girl/guy covered in tattoos? Sure, but they'd have to let me examine them for a good long while at some point and answer my curious questions.

29. What did you do before this? Like, before the meme, or are me having an existential crisis here? I wrote my post for LJ, is what I did.

30. When is the last time you slept on the floor? Christmas of 2009, although I had a mattress. As for the floor-floor, I guess the winter before that, I think, when my parents and I went to vist my brother.

31. How many hours of sleep do you need to function? I once managed a whole week on four hours, but that left me pretty dead. When left alone, my body will ask for nine. I feel perfectly rested with eight. I can deal with as little as half that, but don't ask me to make a habit of it.

32. Do you eat breakfast daily? Doesn't everyone? (Yes, I know there's some crazy folk who don't, shush.) Although sometimes I might have breakfast twice in one day, what with cereal-as-dinner.

33. Are your days fast-paced? *laughs hysterically* No.

34. What did you do last night? There was delicious food and an LJ posting.

35. Do you use sarcasm? No, I use sarchasms.

36. How old will you be turning on your next birthday? Too old. Which is 28.

37. Are you picky about spelling and grammar? If it's meant for a public, yes. Very. I will point and laugh or cry up to the gods in agony. If its a comment or email or whatever, eh.

38. Have you ever been to six flags? No. *googles* OMGNOWAI. Yes. Sort of. I've been to La Ronde in Montreal, which is owned and operated by Six Flags. Wow.

39. Do you get along better with the same sex or the opposite sex? Why does sex have to get into everything? I get along with people.

40. Do you like mustard? Yes. Especially this delicious mustard we got from Austria. Mmm, wursten...

41. Do you sleep on your side? Currently, that seems to be the trend. Or at least, I'll fall asleep on my side. But that's only because I'm doing the "curl up into a ball to conserve as much body heat as possible" thing. I'm actually a on-my-belly sleeper and have been for years. I used to sleep on my back when I was a pre-teen, but as I mentioned in another post, that position now scares the hell out of me. Vulnerability!

42. Do you watch the news? Sometimes. I watch The Daily Show with more regularity, and it has the plus side of not making me cry over the state of the world. I like my news with laughter instead, thank you very much.

43. How did you get one of your scars? My umbilical cord fell off. There was this merry-go-round in Nairobi which I was really keen on riding but which my mom didn't trust at all and so didn't let me on it. One day, my dad took me and my brother to the merry-go-round's location and let me ride it. I was so thrilled at having been able to ride the prohibited merry-go-round, that I jumped off it and ran. Apparently I ran straight into a chainlink fence. Said fence was old and rusted and, most importantly, broken, so one piece of the wire mesh hooked in and out my calf. It didn't go very deep, but it must have been pretty traumatic because hey, I was hooked onto a fence by my leg. I remember my brother and dad trying to hold me still and get the metal out, and I remember getting a shot on my bum, and going to school with a bandage around my leg. I still have two small round scars on the inside of my left calf, but they've faded a lot, considering I was less than five when I got it.

44. Who was the last person to make you mad? Probably my mother.

45. Do you like anybody? Not like-like, as in all squee and blushing and crushing hard. At least, not in Rome. I have a mad crush on certain celebrities, though. (Although it's actually mellowed out from "mad crush" to "extreme fondness".)

46. What is the last thing you purchased? A Kinder Surprise egg and orange tic-tacs. Of course, it was also the first proper thing I purchased in about a month, but KINDER SURPRISE EGG, BITCHES! Ahem... Sorry. (Also, what the hell is it with their being illegal in the USA? Just because they have small, potentiall choking hazard parts? Well, damnit, don't give the surprise to small children then!)

47. What side of the heart do you draw first? The right side.

48. Can you dive without plugging your nose? o.0 People dive while plugging their nose? But... How? You're doing it wrong!

49. What colour is your razor? Green and blue. It's for men.

50. What is your blood-type? A+, like my grades used to be. (Although if you really want to get into it, genetically it's AO+- and morphologically it's A+. Mom's a universal donor.)

51. Who would you want to be tied to for 24 hours? Preferrably no one thanks very much, because yes, I've given this some thought and people need to pee and that is certainly going to be awkward. I would not like to pee with someone tied to me. Hell, I don't like it when there's someone in the stall next to me, and forget about talking to me. That said, however, no one I'm related to, for one. No one who is a child, or very much older than I am, because children scare the hell out of me and being tied to a granddad will be very awkward. I'm leaning towards picking someone I don't know (even though that way lies awkwardness) because if it goes badly then you can just turn around at the end of the 24 hours and say, "Well, thank gods I don't have to see you ever again!" However, against all logic and reason and possibly even self-preservation, I'm going to say Misha Collins. Hey, if anyone'd be okay with it - or at least make it okay - I'm sure it'd be him. Possibly. I'm overthinking this, aren't I?

52. What is a rumour someone has spread about you? I don't know if anyone's spread any rumours about me.

53. How do you feel about carrots? I like them, unless they're cooked and alone and have that horrible mushy sweet taste. I once ate an entire bag of baby carrots. I was sick afterwards, of course, but oh, the addictive sensation of the crunch!

54. How many chairs at the dining room table? Six. Although the table we use to eat has three and is in the kitchen. We don't use the dining room. Too cold.

55. Which is the best Spice Girl? Sporty Spice. I don't know, I just liked her. Plus, she rocked on Never Mind the Buzzcocks.

56. Do you know what time it is? I'm on a computer. What do you think, oh meme?

57. Do you know all the words to the Fresh Prince Theme Song? Well, see now, it was the story all about how his life got flipped, hell, even turned upside down, and if you'll give me a minute - just sit right there - I'd like to tell you how I learned the lyrics to the prince of a town called Bel Air. (Except I don't know all the lyrics, because the song is actually much longer than the intro we all know and love.)

58. What would you do if you were stuck in an elevator? Freeze then fumble with the call-for-help button. Or, more realistically, curse every Italian in Rome for not putting those buttons in, or being out on their coffee break, or whatnot.

59. What’s your favourite kind of gum? The kind that doesn't taste like plastic after the third chew and doesn't turn into rock-hard cement after the fifth.

60. T or F: All’s fair in love and war? False.

61. Do you have a crush on anyone? How is this different from question 45? Or did you mean "do you like anyone" as in "Are you a horribly misanthropic human being who loathes every single member of your species, or is there someone out there you moderately appreciate?"

62. Do you know how to use some words correctly, but not know the meaning? Sort of. In that I'll how ow to use the word and know what it means, but not enought to actively define what it means.

63. Do you like to sleep? Yes.

64. Do you know which US states don’t use Daylight Savings Time?
Is there any reason why I should? Hey meme, did you know that New Brunswick's time zome is only half an hour different from its next time zone? Yeah, how about that, you USA-centrist thing.

65. Do you know the song Total Eclipse of the Heart?
Does Bonnie?

66. Do you want a bright yellow '06 mustang? Only if I can sell it.

67. What's something you've always wanted? This is going to sound horrible and very Charles Dickensy, but a home.

68. Do you have hairy LEGS? Why are you capslocking LEGS? I have legs. Not LEGS. And I have a razor. They're Schrödingerly hairy.

69. Would you rather swim in the ocean or a lake? Neither. Especially not alone. There are things in there. I get the heebie jeebies from swimming in a pool for gods' sakes.

70. Do you wear a lot of black? I have exactly one black shirt and one pair of black pants. Do the math.

71. Describe your hair: Made of keratin with a lot of disulphide bonds. (Okay, fine, dark brown with blond highlights, barely grazing the shoulders, layered, and with large corkscrew curls.)

72. Do you have Entomophobia? No. Do you have randomcapitalizationia?

Actually, in Costa Rica, there was one season when the grassy fields around my school were completely overrun by shiny black beetles - either some species of rhinocerous beetle or a dung beetle - and I collected dozens of them in a bucket with a friend and played with them, letting them crawl over our hands and the likes. I wanted to keep one that I found in our house as a pet, but my brother, who was babysitting me said, "No way!" and made me let it go. It was so cute, too. I really liked the wee brown beetles we got there, too.

73. Are you an adult? Apparently the law things I am, but that just shows you what a fool the law is.

74. Where is/are your best friend(s)? Germany, Canada and South Africa. In other words, in Veryfarawayland.

75. Do you have a tan? I still have a tan line from the summer, but I wouldn't call it a tan. I do, however, tan well and I tan fast.

76. Are you a television addict? No, especially since I don't actually watch television, per se. On the other hand, I'm loyal to my shows, so...

77. Do you enjoy spending time with your mother? *laughs hysterically*

78. Are you a sugar freak? I'm not any kind of freak. But I loves me some sour. And vinegar.

79. Do you like orange juice? Yes! Elixir of the gods! Pulpy and fresh and delicious!

80. What sign are you? Libra, if you go by the Western zodiac. Boar, if you go by the Chinese year, or Rooster if you go by the Chinese lunar month. Crocodile if you go by the Mayan zodiac, Deer (Keh) if you go by the Mayan lunar zodiac, and Dragon if you go by the Mayan birth chart. Or Bastet if you go by the ancient Egyptian zodiac. So basically, I'm a balance with a boar, rooster, crocodile, deer and dragon all clinging for dear life on it. You really should have specified which sign you meant, meme.

Links of the Day:
hugemind's Meta The Visual Story in 4x20: When you say "forever", what do you mean?
spn_deanw's Discussion Like a Virgin
tracy_loo_who's Review Like a Virgin - At least the fans are giving Cas some love. Damnit Sam!
verdande_mi's Review Like a Virgin
lilhellsangel's Review Like a Virgin
captainlon's Review Like a Virgin
and_ed's Review Like a Virgin
twivamp92's Fic I Believe in Nothing But the Beating of Our Hearts
murkyfragments' Fic Life Lessons With Joshua, Part 2
ghostwriter056's Fic Sixteen and Dying
elzed's Doctor Who Crossover Fic Brief Encounter (of the Third Kind) (Dean/Martha)
highermagic's Fic Where Were You When I Felt Fear? Right Beside Me, Sharing It - 0.0 Amazing
heathyr_iltp's Fanvid Heartbeats (Dean/Castiel) - ♥
wanttobeatree's Non-Spoilery Fanart Regarding the new episode expectation: "MUST. EXPRESS FEELINGS. THROUGH SILLY DRAWINGSSSSS--"
ekbe_vile's Fanart Cheetos May Induce Coma
potthead's Stonehenge Apocalypse Screencaps

Other Fandom:
marylou_gr's Lord of the Rings Picspam Fellowship of the RIngs Scenery
castle_tv's Castle Heat Wave - Chapter 1
Archive of Our Own's Castle Ryan/Esposito Tag
ABC's Castle The Ryan Report - Episode 312 "Poof, You're Dead"
Guardian's Life on Mars pairs John Simm and Philip Glenister reuinited - Regarding Mad Dogs
Grey's Anatomy & Private Practice Wikia

Wondermark's Comic #699: Conquering the Only Enemy - This is a bit like what I seem to do.

* Larissa, in Sandman #65: "The Kindly Ones:9", by Neil Gaiman

actors: misha collins, comics, tv: supernatural, fandom: art, fandom: analysis, fandom: picspam, job hunt, actors: john simm, fandom: screncaps, my daily life, fandom: fanvids, music: vids, tv: btvs, fandom: fics, memes, actors, tv: castle, movies, tv: clips

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