They'll be drinking white wine in the sun*

Dec 26, 2010 20:51

Being kept very busy co-touristing Rome. Yesterday we went to the Pope's Urbi et Orbi, today we went to Subiaco, tomorrow's Castel Gandolfo, so it's been pretty busy. Christmas came and went in food and good times are still being had. I'm not doing even half of the things I said I would when I had a little free time - such as writing Louisiana Hoodoo or working on That Fanvid I've Been Working On For More Than A Year ye Gods - but at least I'm working on the Time We Saw A Miracle fanmixes, so \o/

Meme via aelora: The Year, in Favorites

Your main fandom of the year? - Supernatural ♥

Your favourite film watched this year? - L'Herrisson for quality, How to Train Your Dragon for adorableness, and Devour for fangirly squee.

Your favourite book read this year? - Quite Ugly One Morning by Christopher Brookmyre (audiobook read by David Tennant) and Dead to the World by Charlaine Harris

Your favourite album or song to listen to this year? - Introducing by Hello Saferide and I Hear the Voice of Rage and Ruin Fanmix by familiardevil

Your favourite TV shows of the year? - Supernatural, Doctor Who, Human Target, True Blood, Ashes to Ashes, Castle, Grey's Anatomy, The Secret Diary of a Call Girl, Modern Family

Your favourite LJ community of the year? - metaquotes, sam_dean and wptjeh

Your best new TV discovery of the year? - Modern Family, Grey's Anatomy, The Secret Diary of a Call Girl, The Walking Dead

Your biggest fandom disappointment of the year? - Fandom hasn't actually disappointed me.

Your TV boyfriend of the year? - Misha Collins (His Random Acts message makes me cry every. Single. Time.)

Your TV girlfriend of the year? - Dr. Christina Yang

Your biggest squee moment of the year? - Nanowrimo Win!

The most missed of your old fandoms? - Ashes to Ashes for the discussions and Lost for ack_attack's reviews

The TV show you haven't tried yet, but want to? - I have a list

Your biggest fan anticipations for the New Year? - The end of Supernatural's hiatus and Human Target redeeming itself

Links of the Day:
mobiusklein's Meta If You Really Think Resouling is bad Then...
forever_lost2u's False (Yet Humerous) Spoilers for Each Episode Throughout Seasons 1 and 2
leonidaslion's Fic Fumbling in the Dark Onerous (Sex and Violence), Pause (Death Takes a Holiday)
theron09's Fic Blood and Alcohol ; A Very Winchester Christmas
enigmatic_blue's Fic And Ten Thousand Fall
saucyminxfix's Fic Ice Inside Your Soul, Fire Inside Your Heart
drive_thru_rx's Fic The Dangers of Career Voyeurism - ♥
qthelights' Fic Reconciling Holywood
ash_carpenter's Fic Christms Anti-Kink: Roleplay
sonroundtable's Zombie Fic Recommendations
emerald_embers' Fics Dean/Castiel ; Sam/Castiel - "Sam knows Dean's fear is of losing the things he wants. Sam's fear is of losing the things he has." - Haze, ♥
princess_aleera's RPFic Red Between the Lines (1/3) (Jensen/Misha) - ♥
turquoisetumult's Fanvid X-Mas Wishlist 2010
beckalooby's dean_sam-flocked Fanvid embeds and discussion of instrumental music
cupidsbow's Fanvid Transcendent Angel Airways
dana_chosenart's Fanfic Trailer Miles to Go Before I Sleep
slinkymilinky's Fanmix Climbing Up the Walls (Dean/Castiel, The End)
kelzies' Fanmix Rewind: A Song for Each Season
obeyshi's Fanmix Animus
flutterbyicons' Fanmix I Celebrate No Victories & My Promises Are Sand (Dean/Castiel, The End)
specializes' Icons - Clap Your Hands if You Believe... / Appointment in Samarra
starpixie16's Icons
tiptoe_icons' Icons
lelola's Icons - Ruby (S4)
savedean's Fanart A Very Winchester Christmas
jessm78's Lovebars - Sam's Bitchface is Love, Dean's Lips are Love - Dean's Eyebrows Are Love - Ducky!Face Dean is Love - Horndog!Dean is Love
xtanitx's Icons & Wallpaper
blue_fjords' Picspam Jensen and Misha
Hasitall's GIFs Requests
ontd_spnparty's TV Guide Article - SPOILERS (of win)
dean_sam's flocked Official Magazine Scans #21 ; Official Magazine Scans #21, Part 2 ; Official Magazine Scans #21, part 3; Interview with Ten Inch Hero Director ; T'Was the Night Before Supernatural
strgzr04's embed Days of Our Lives - Jensen's shower scene
YouTube's Days of Our Lives - Jensen's shower scene (2/3) ; Supernatural Anime's Trailer

cloudytea's Fanmix And There's Blood On Our Sheets (Juliet/Man In Black)

Doctor Who:
tennant_love's embed Steven Moffat's Impression of David Tennant

True Blood:
Charlaine Harris' dead Reckoning, Chapter 1

Human Target:
wptjeh's Podcast Episode 25 - Take My Ames, Please! ; Discussion The Other Side of the Mall

redscharlach's Fanart The Case of Notorious Knitwear

The Walking Dead:
mediocrechick's Icons

Other Fandom:
iconzicons' Wuthering Heights Fanvid Slowly Taking Me Apart
aelora's Glee Fanvid embed Breathe Me
cleolinda's Review Voyage of the Dawn Treader
Furiousfanboy's Eight Things You may Not Have Known About Firefly

shalowater's "All I want For Christmas" Icons - Glee, How I Met Your Mother, Supernatural, Big Bang Theory, Vampire Diaries, continued
isapiens' Iconsa - Supernatural, The Walking Dead
iconomicon's Icons
SpoilerTV's 2010 Awards
Hello Magazine's Poll Mostr Attractive and Elegant Celebrities of 2010

marika_kailaya's Pimpin' Picspam Help: Twelve Tales of Healing Book
obsessive24's Poll PC Vidding Programs
chaosvizier's flocked On Belgian Beer Tasting
theweaselking's The RGB Room ; Uwe boll film sends six people to the hospital ; catholic church excommunicates hospital for using medicine to save lives rather than voodoo to end them ; "I support the repeal because the sort of people who are so opposed to another way of living that they cannot tolerate any difference, are probably not the sort of people we want having guns in foreign countries where they have different customs, skin colors and sometimes their own languages and holidays." ; Tomorrow is Christmas. Have *you* remembered your paperwork? It's important, or else you won't get presents. ; The placebo effect works even when you know it's a placebo and does nothing ; Oklahoma senator promises to cripple teaching of science in Oklahoma schools
Kevin and Ursula Eat Cheap's Episode 14 - Burrito Bonanza!, Episode 15 - We Have Conjured Buns
Wondermark's embed Jonathan Coulton's "Shop Vac" in Kinetic Type
Birmigham News' Pupy Rescued From Train Track
The Good Men Project's Undercover at a Christian Gay-to-Straight Conversion Camp
Tiger Beatdown's #MooreandMe: And Then He Came Down - On rape victims and their right to be believed

* "White Wine in the Sun", Tim Minchin

actors: misha collins, fandom: fic, tv: supernatural, fandom: art, tv: human target, tv: behind the scenes, news, fandom: analysis, fandom: picspam, actors: jensen ackles, music: j coulton, human rights, my daily life, fandom: fanvids, memes, actors: interviews, tv: awards, tv: true blood, books: excerpts, fandom: fanmixes, tv: the walking dead, tv: doctor who, childhood staples, fandom: scans, fandom: icons, tv: sherlock, tv: lost, tv: firefly/serenity

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