My parents and I are leaving tomorrow for the week, driving up north across country borders, photographing everything, walking everywhere, and hunting down the delicious things. Dad wants to be out by 6:30 am (like that'll happen, but I still need to wake up appropriately).
Anyway, it's almost tomorrow as we speak (or I type) and I'll be damned if I don't watch Grey's Anatomy because I had a moderately-massive breakdown (packing is my kryptonite, and packing when my mother is in the country is even worse - oh, the disapproval and self-doubt!) and I bloody well deserve it. Besides, what's the difference between sleeping 5 hours or 4? I'm still going to be a zombie.
I'm not going to be connected to the internets: not taking my snazzy iPod because a) why would I need the internet? and sub-clause a) it's not like I've sent out applications this week or even possibly last so it's not like I'm waiting on any replies. Mom was all, "But what do you mean you're not taking the iPod? I thought you had replies to keep an eye on?" Fuck that.
Also, my short story got rejected (no shock, as they only accept 12 each month) and I think I'm going to call it quits on that front. Do not have the mental stamina for that kind of thing, at least not now. I was all panicked about my story not being mine anymore in that I couldn't expand on it without possibly breaching reproduction rights and all that. Feh.
Anyway, have to go zone out happily and catch a few winks before miles and miles of road (sans Winchesters, who'd make road trips awesome).
ETA: Post title and icon appear to be battling it out:
Icon: "Now time for the weather :)"
Post: "But there's no tiiiiiime!"
Video of the Day: "There's no time!!!" Last Words by Community Channel
Click to view
* Community Channel