He's an old softy, really.*

Oct 01, 2010 22:37

I've finally - finally - submitted The Last Wild Angel. That means I've been sitting on the story for something like three months now. I am completely prepared for crushing failure.

In other news, I think it's time y'all met Greebo, the Italian version.

You can see his bad right eye which earned him his name (although his left isn't so hot lately, what with the oozing of substances) and his adorable squishyness.

Bird's-eye-view (if it's lucky bird).

Resistance is futile!

Not only does Greebo follow me down the street, but he does the heart-wrenching door-stare as well.

30 Days of Doctor Who: Day 30 - Whatever Tickles Your Fancy

Doctor Who companion novels! I've only listened to the "exclusive to audio" of The Forever Trap read by Catherine Tate (♥), but I loved it, for it was a thing of beauty and joy and DONNA NOBLE, BITCHES.

30 Days of Supernatural Meme: Day 30 - Anything SPN related

The shallower side of Supernatural, i.e. these boys are hawt. Only fanvids, because if I started doing a picspam I'd never finish.

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40 Days of Supernatural Meme: Day 30 - What else might be added (developed or gifted) to the brothers skills of hunters if we speak about them as hereditary hunters from one of the most famous family of hunters in America?

Okay, see, that's where I'm going to have to differ with the meme and shove SCIENCE in its face. Being a hunter isn't hereditary; it's knowledge-based. If you know there's things that go bump in the night, you can fight them. If you don't, you can't. Sure, you can train for it, but that's like saying sons and daughters of solders and war heros should be born with amazing target-shooting skills and trank-driving abilities and bayonet stabbing and whatnot. Just no.

That said, this is the supernatural arena we're dealing with, so who's to say the boys don't have some sort of supernatural inheritance due to deals done or trinkets gathered?

I guess they'd have a hell of a lot of books and grimoires, a bunch of ancient herbs, oils (such as Abramelin oil)and dead bits of things, random bits of jewlery and broken pieces of things that no one even remembers, and weapons up the wazoo. Also amulets (including the Nazar, runes, charms (like young!Mary), red string. Oh, and a kitchen witch because I'm sure if there's one witch Dean can get behind, its the one making sure his pies are all good.

Just so you know, the crack version of this answer is anything by the Weasleys. Yes, you heard me, FrednGeorge Weasley. They had some awesome stuff, like the extendable ears and the swamp spell and gods only know because I can't remember. Because.

Coming Up:
Day 31 - Your ideal SPN ending?
Day 32 - Favorite death/body explotion (bad guy/zombie/demon)?
Day 33 - Favorite Dean eating moment?
Day 34 - Favorite hug?
Day 35 - Favorite Castiel scene? Favorite Bobby scene?
Day 36 - Favorite con?
Day 37 - Favorite Jared movie/other show?
Day 38 - Favorite Jensen movie/other show?
Day 39 - If you were a director who you would like to direct (Jared or Jensen) and what kind of movie?
Day 40 - What kind of movie/tv show would you like to see Jared and Jensen star in after SPN ends?

Links of the Day:
the_other_sandy's Exile on Main St. Review
raloria's Exile on Main St. Review
birddi's Exile on Main St. Review: MEDICOCRE FANFICTION IS BETTER THAN THIS SHOW RIGHT NOW! SPN 6.1 recap - spoliers (obviously) - My wank: I am mack-daddying harshing on your buzz.
gardnerhill's Exile on Main St. Review
kilynn16's Exile on Main St. Review
rusty_halo's Exile on Main St. Review
iwantpie's Exile on Main St. Review
missyjack's Exile on Main St. Reivew
awakencordy's Exile on Main St. Review
mysticpeach's Exile on Main St. Review - "Hey, Dean? I know I told you to go change your whole life and live with Lisa and Ben but y'know what? I change my mind. Leave them and come with me. Nao." So. True.
caffeinekitty's Exile on Main St. Review and Picspam
bistokids' Exile on Main St. Review
yourlibrarian's Exile on Main St. Review ; Reivew, Cont.
bardicvoice's Exile on Main St. Review
missyjack's Exile on Main St. Review
PinkRayGun's Exile on Main St. Review
tartysuz' Meta La Femme Supernatural (Film Noir)
spn_heavymeta's Meta Poll: Questions and thoughts on torture in SPN
deanish_ness's Meta The Truth About Supernatural Girls and Boys: Death Tally
locknkey's Fic Our Love Will End in Fire
siehn's Fic Conversations at Midnight
claudiapriscus' Fic The Inevitable Zombie Apocalypse (But Never Any Zombies)
destina's Fic Four Horsemen Walk Into a Bar
annie46's Fic Take the Car
sirenprincess' Fic Teddy Bear Doctors
ozmissage's Fic I Must Become a Lion-Hearted Girl
charsfic's Fic Ice Inside Your Soul
sylvanwitch's Fic Imaginary Conversations with Real People - Ow, my heart
enigmatic_blue's Fic By These Wounds
ikira's Fic Brimstone Synthesis, Chapter 2
goldenusagi's Fic Top ten things Gabriel does for fun besides deadly pranks. A sort of fic in list form.
sockkiah's Fic Weird Uncle Cas Who Lives In the Guest Room and Eats All My Swiss Cake Rolls
kitty_alex's Fic Iron Impala: Into the Blue
ihasstopwatch's Fic Blood, Feathers, and Ashes
amor_remanet's Fic (Parenthetical statements are kind of unhelpful, really.)
mad_teagirl's Fanmix The Heart is Dark But the World is Darker (Sam)
sun_shot_sky's Fanmix Hellfire Girls (Meg, Ruby)
secretlytodream's Fanmix Faintest of Sparks
little_missmimi's Fanmix Ashes of a Secert Heart (Jo)
fifthofdecember's Fanmix No Surprises (Dean)
nanoochka's Fanmix The Divine OTP (Dean/Castiel)
familiardevil's Fanmix The Glaciers Made You and Now You're Mine (Jo/Kat)
ashdoode's Fanvid Breathe Me
angelshandprint's Fanvid The Howling
bunnymaccool's Fanvid Shades of Heaven
krauthead's Fanvid Eight Easy Steps
hotforangels' Fanvid In the Next Room
Cr8veLcnse's Fanvid Jump in the Pool
cafe_de_labeill's Fanart Dean&Cas Hugs - Part 1, Dean&Cas Hugs - Part 1 - ♥
dean_sam's flocked Barcelona Con Photo - :D ; Misha Interview (SPOILERS)
Hasitall's GIFs Hurt Sam, Season 1, Part 2

True Blood:
Lawliette's Fanvid Bitches (Eric)
Hollywoodcrush's True Blood + Seasame Street = True Mud

Human Target:
wptjeh's Huamn Target moved to Wednesdays, starting Nov. 17 - Aaaaargh!

qthewetsprocket's Sherlock worship of the day - Oh Watson. ♥
wordstrings' Fic The Paradox Suite ; Fic An Act of Charity

Other Fandom:
mediocrechick's Harry Potter Scans Total Film
iconzicons' The Simpsons Icons
BBC's Single Father Trailer (David Tennant)
Questionable Content's Pintsize Water Bottle - "I am full of deliscious liquid!"
Movieline's Krackoon Trailer: Because What the World Needs Now is a Crack-Addicted Raccoon Splatter Flick

misst89’s Icons - Stock, Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, True Blood, Kick Ass
alizarin_skies' Sherlock & Doctor Who Fanart
Neil Gaiman's My Week in Pictures - Includes Doctor Who, Amanda Palmer, and Terry freaking Pratchett!
Charlie McDonnell's An Explanation - Doctor Who, Neil Gaiman, and Charlie!

redscharlach’s Obsolete units of measure
theweaselking’s Last.FM plots their user data
mediocrechick's embed SunnyD and Rim, "The Pop Single!"
PhDComics' PhD Tales from the Road: NMSU's Chile Pepper Institute
Telegraph's First World War Officially Ends
Evelyn Evelyn's Elephant, Elephant
Portrait-Dex - "Cartoonists creating Pokemon self portraits. IT'S SUPER EFFECTIVE!"

* Witches Abroad, TPratchett (Nanny Ogg, on Greebo)

actors: misha collins, actors: david tennant, fandom: fic, tv: supernatural, fandom: art, my photos, books: harry potter, wildlife, tv: human target, art, fandom: analysis, fandom: picspam, fandom: fanvids, memes, actors: interviews, tv: true blood, fandom: fanmixes, tv: doctor who, authors: neil gaiman, fandom: icons, fandom: crossover, tv: sherlock, movies: trailers, music

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