Elegant fall into the unmagnificent lives of adults*

Sep 05, 2010 20:32

- Remember how I said I've never made a fandom fanmix? Yeah, that was me completely forgetting Soemthing's Not Right for Nightmare on Elm Street (2010). Which, I've just realized, totally fails at not having Tom Wait's What's He Building In There?

- As for jobhunting? I can't do this anymore. It's been months and months and all I've gotten is one writing test request and one interview and nothing now for ages. And while my mother's always saying how she totally is supportive, she's not actually, y'know, supportive, in that she's never said things like, "You'll find a job, no worries!" and instead considers "being supportive" to be her saying things more along the lines of, "You're never going to get anywhere if you keep on like this! You should go out and talk to people instead of staying inside sending out CVs. Why haven't you done this already?" I've tried telling her that her definition of supportive ≠ my definition of supportive, but that hasn't resulted in any change.

Coincidentally, over on Trinity College (Dublin)'s Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences, you can see that they have a Professional Development & Career Planning course. Oh, if only more universities were like you, Trinity!

- I've finished Grey's Anatomy Season 6 - oh, my heart - and I'm still miffed at the Emmy's for spoiling the penultimate episode by showing the scene where Character verbs Character. *shakes fist*

- Life still sucks. My (unpaid, dead-end, at-least-I'm-doing-something) translation internship resumes tomorrow.

Have some photographs!

Villa Borghese:

Feet in the air!

Puppy Turtle-pile!

Rabbit fountain o.0

Sad donkey is sad.

Fat dragon and his pimpn' eagle friend.

Cow does not approve.

Nature's corkscrew.

Holy Moses!

Links of the Day:
giandujakiss' Fanvid Blaze of Glory
drpepperupper's Fanvid Ulysses (Future!Castiel)
tasty_boots' Fanvidlet Sex and Candy (Dean/Castiel)
pretty_hostel's Fanmix Crossfire
naisica's Wallpapers
angelicfoodcake's Fanart Chibi, Pyromaniac Dean
mummy_daydream's Animated Icons: J2 Breakfast
dean_sam's flocked Scans: Official Magazine #19, Scans, Continued, Scans, Continued
chloe_2450's Fanmix On the Ride Home
familiardevil's Fanmix Shipwreck Eyes
mediocrechick's Icons: Gag Reel
Hasitall's GIFs 2x02, Part 1, 2x02, Part 2, 2x03
Fangasmthebook's Ackles and Padalecki as The Next Pitt and Clooney - A Chat with J2
TVMegasite>'s Interview: Misha Collins and Random Acts
Zap2it's Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki say Season 6 is bigger and more naked

forgethetime's Picspam and Lyrics Do't Speak: Juliette & James

True Blood:
trueblood_lj's flocked Nostalgia Thread: Remember When...
mediocrechick's Scans Entertainment Weekly: Bloody Good Ending

Human Target:
wptjeh's New character discussion ; Guerrero discussiona

qthewetsprocket's Fanvid embed Uptown Girl

Other Fandom:
john_simm's Hamlet Reheaseal Photos
twirlynoodle's Discworld Art
qthewetsprocket's Hamlet John Simm: Rehearsal Photos
extemporanea's Star Trek The Problem of Wesley
Markreadsharrypotter's OotP: Chapter 28: Snape's Weost Memory
Shotillyoudrop's WB Wants Supernatural's Kripke for Sandman - \o/

secretlytodream's Icons - SPN, White Collar, Inception
exp0se's Icons - Supernatural, BtVS, Leverage
dhfreak's Picspam 10 Crossover pairings, Just Because - Supernatural, Criminal Minds, Harry Potter, Doctor Who, Firefly, Percy Jackson, Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Smallville

Livejournal Shenanigans:
news' Post - Also says how to turn of that bastard son-of-a-mother Pingback thing.
cleolinda's run-down of what it is, experimental screencaps of just what it does, pingbacks and full names, what this is all about

trailer_spot's Duckomenta, or the Duckification of the World
lucylou's I'm back from my internet sabbatical!
ursulav's Collagamajig
redscharlach's Top Five...
theweaselking's Nurses in Norfolk speak perfect English, but are given "Norfolk As A Second Language" classes because people in Norfolk, well, don't. ; Another oil rig in the Gulf Of Mexico has exploded, about 45 minutes ago.
Io9's A syllabus and book list for novice students of science fiction literature
Wiki's Third Culture Kids - 0.0

* The National, "Mistake for Strangers"

actors: misha collins, my jobhunt, tv: supernatural, fandom: art, my photos, books: harry potter, tv: human target, tv: behind the scenes, art, news, fandom: analysis, fandom: picspam, actors: jensen ackles, actors: john simm, my daily life, my fanmixes, fandom: fanvids, software, tv: btvs, books: reviews, authors: terry pratchett, books, actors: interviews, tv: true blood, fandom: fanmixes, authors: neil gaiman, fandom: scans, tv, tv: sherlock, tv: lost, tv: firefly/serenity

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