Let me spoil the ending for you. *

Feb 12, 2010 01:33

Human Target 1x04 "Sanctuary" Review:

- This is the episode that made me really, really like the show. *waves at series arc*

- I love Winston's voice for narrative voice-over! It's so soothing and lovely. I am also amused that the show's been putting in narration and then revealing that it's really someone talking on the phone, or to someone in the car, or in this case, into a recorder. What I'm a bit iffy on is that the recording rather fails if its purpose is records keeping - too introspective and flowery and all that - but then I'm a scientist and am trained to think like that. ("Results! No long speeches, just say what happened! With accuracy!")

- Ha, Quebec. This detail made me a bit angry. First off, it could have been anywhere. There was nothing Quebecy about the place. Oh sure, one street sign in French, but that's it. The people in the monastery - especially one apparently so secluded - should have been local (someone, at least), but they all spoke English, and with no accent either. Also, Port Cartier? Why would a lost spot in the middle of a forest way up on a huge mountain be named a port? It's like being in Nevada and naming a stretch of desert Port Washington. (Because of course it had to be Cartier - this is Quebec!) *sigh*

- The monastery had one big ass church for something so remote (before they installed the gondola, at least) and with so few attendants. I found this size unlikely.

- I was always under the impression that Chance wasn't easy to find. I mean, he hardly runs an ad in the local paper, right? So how did Random Chick get his contact? For that matter, how does everyone else? I mean, there's some people who are all, "Hello, I've got a direct line to the grapevine!" but Random Chick? Who's not in the business of criminals, or catching them? How?!?

- "You're my chance to save him." I see what you did there.

- The recap flashes after the commercial-break-spots are cool in that the editing is well done (and potentially humerous) but annoying in that I've just watched that scene and don't have the memory retention of a goldfish.

- Ethan! (I don't care who he is, he'll always be Ethan, just like Sean Maher will always make me shout out "Simon!") Ethan is creepy. Like, holy gods. Especially when he's all, *sees cop on the road* *minion voices his concern* "Don't worry about it. I'm a psychotic murdering bastard! Whoot!"

- Also, way to have random border patrol. Does that even happen?

- "Huggy Bear" Castiel's underpass! By which I mean, the underpass where Cas spied on the businessman and Crowley make their deal, and not something of a sexual nature. (Hmm, Cas's underpass...) I'll admit to flailing and then, whilst Guerrero and Man in Suit were talking, thinking, "No! Don't sell your soul, G-man!"

- Oh, Man in Suit, Guerrero is so not on your leash. He doesn't even have a collar.

- Guerrero's burgundy polka shirt ftw! (I don't know, I just really really liked it.)

- Oh gods, Babyface wrote letters to his girlfriend? And what, put the return address on it? Where's that healthy dose of paranoia that comes from working for crazy Ethan for years? You fail at hiding from the psychopaths, Babyface.

- I missed out on the details of why they wanted the book or scroll or whatever, because all I could think was, "Gah! Dan Brown cooties! Get off the show!" Seriously, secret meetings by Christian leaders, secret books with secret meetings that were secret... Just, stuff it.

- Obama's Eerie Lookalike Monk says, "If I can't do that, what am I doing here," and I wail, "Worshiping God! That's why you're in a monastery! You've devoted your life to the praise of God! If you wanted to devote your life to aiding your fellow man, you wouldn't be in in such a freaking remote monastery that can be reached only by unwary visitors checking out the random gondola stashed in the middle of the forest." ETA: The Monk's the cop from Supernatural's Free to be You and me! Right? Oh gods, the fandoms, they bleed together!

- Not the incense burner! Oh, the sacrilege!

- Guerrero: "My life does not revolve around you." Which is unfortunate, as you'd then have more screen time. Re-revolve your life, man! I want to know more about you! (Although, that statement of his was both awesome and harsh. Which is why, again, we need more of him on-screen.)

- Uh, a crypt is not the same thing as a storage space. A crypt would be easily accessible and maintained and not a bunch of dusty tunnels. Also, the tunnels were made during prohibition?!? What the fuck, monastery, like you were smuggling moonshine through the country during prohibition. In a mountain. In the middle of a forest. In Quebec. Again, what the fuck.

- Guerrero says this about the deceased helicopter pilot: "We had a falling out." I'll bet inconsequential things that Guerrero pushed the pilot out the chopper which makes this a hilarious pun. I love this guy to bits :)

- Oh Ethan, I'm so disappointed in you as this criminal mastermind. It took you this long to thing about torture? Dude, instead of sending your henchmen all over the place looking for Babyface and the book, just punch someone from the get-go.

- I don't know why, but I love Guerrero's *angry slam* *angry mumble* Also, answer Winston's call! Multi-task! You did it before, when you were picking the lock and talking on the phone and punning! Gah!

- Oh, Man in Suit, I know you're trying to jerk Guerrero's chain with that call but newsflash! He ain't on no goddamn chain!

- Winston's entire scene with the jerry can and the minion was made of utter, utter win. I love Winston. Can he do more of that?

- Did the Obama-Monk just tell Ethan to go to hell?!? Fail, monk. Just...fail.

- Oh gods, Babyface, I know you were the scout of the operations, more brain than brawn, but you want me to seriously believe that you worked with Ethan for years and never learned how to throw a punch?

- If the tunnels are such a labyrinth, how does Winston find his way to Chance and Babyface?

- Oh, Winston, you don't need to untie them all, just untie one and then that monk can untie people. Although they don't even need to be untied to run, you know. But please, have them all sit there as you try to dismantle the bomb. (Good luck with that, by the way, 'cause Guerrero, while practical, is not supportive.)

- "Winston? Winston? Winston!" Oh, Guerrero, you do care. It's adorable, considering how he kept blowing Winston off before... *re-reads sentences* *screams and drags mind out of the gutter*

- Falling Man has the girliest scream ever and I usually hate describing things as girly. But honestly, it's hysterical.

- Human Target's requisite extended and confusing fight scene: done.

- Man in Suit: "You're in no position to be making demands." Are you insane, Suitmeister? Remember what I said about Guerrero and chains? *gives gutter-loving mind a disapproving look* He's not under your thumb, you don't have a hold on him, he's not just going to lie down and take it and be your buttmonkey or newspaper-fetching dog. I think the hole in your back kinda testifies to that, don't you think?

- "We'll see." Guerrero owns, pwns, and guerrerowns to the power of awesome. \o/

For much better funnies and reviews, see WPTJEH: Podcast Episode 15 "Guerrerowned"

Meme - 30 Days - Day 15 → A fanfic: I'm currently two hours into the six hours (or 147 pages) of podfic that is eighth_horizon's The Last Outpost of All That Is (with coda Not For Samson in the Temple by maygra), read by rhea314. It's post-apocalyptic Supernatural fanfic, rated NC-17 for graphic Sam/Dean.

Written for the spn_apocasmut challenge, eighth_horizon gives it the following summary:
The world is over, and it’s a Winchester’s lot in life to cope with anything - no matter what.

and starts things off with two quotes, the first of which was the fic's prompt:
The world begins with the interruption of a sleep. Which is why wakefulness is the only proof of existence. And why the world is fragmented and cannot achieve fullness. And why it constantly seeks to reconstruct fullness. In vain, because the discontinuous will never pass over into the continuous. Mathematics tells us that, last outpost of all that is.
-- Roberto Calasso, Ka

For small creatures such as we the vastness is bearable only through love.
-- Carl Sagan

after which the first lines are:
Saturday, September 13th, 2008; 4:29 am EST

The world ends while they’re asleep.

The main premise of the story is that Sam and Dean wake up to a world where everyone else, everywhere, has simply disappeared and they are literally the last men on earth. It follows them as they travel across the country, trying to understand what's happened, figure out out, and also simply trying to survive, gathering supplies and coping. It's mainly written from Sam's point-of-view, although there's also some Dean point-of-view. The story takes its time developing and is simply haunting.

Listening to the podfic, walking down empty streets, I could really get the sense of the emptyness these boys were seeing. It's a very interesting take on the apocalypse - a bit like a universal Rapture, everyone taken away, no bodies left behind, no cars stranded in the middle of the road - and the descriptions of what the boys see - the empty houses, the simmering coffee pots, the forgotten pets, the vacant streets - seem to echo.

The story reminds me strongly of Disappearing by Nicholas Hune-Brown (published in McGill’s The Daily Literary Supplement, February 9, 2004). In that story, people disappear in ones and twos, leaving piles of clothes behind, and the main characters hole up in their apartment as the world slowly shuts down and empties around them. There's the fear of the person with them disappearing too, the need to watch them constantly, as if that would keep them from disappearing. This too is touched on in eight_horizon's story.

As I said, I'm two hours in, and only now has the pairing shown up, and it's been well-handled. The bits before it don't hint at the pairing - it's not the sort of story where one brother is lusting after the other and, oh yeah, plot things happen. I'm curious to see how the pairing develops, but also, and this seems to be the main focus of the story, to see how the boys cope when there's no one else in the world. I really love the story, the tone, the description and the characterizations, and I'm not even half-way through.

I actually came to this fic by way of two recommendations on amplificathon. The reviews are:
breea1, here:

Okay, I have to 'fess up here and admit I've only ever listened to this once because, my God, this is bleak. I don't want to put anyone off this reading, or the fic come to think of it, but if you are even just a tiny bit down do NOT listen to this. However, if you are in the mood to hear one of the most powerfully crafted, expertly built and just all over outstanding stories regardless of whether or not it is fanfiction then this is the one for you. The tone rhea314 keeps throughout the story fits perfectly with the overall tone of the story itself, the respect she gives to the premise and the characters and just about every tiny nuance of the world that is being described here means you are incapable of shaking this story off for days afterwards. Literally, days. This was probably one of the first fics I listened to that had my gut swooping and my skin tingling in reaction at certain points and I was hypnotized by rhea314's reading in a way I've experienced with very few readers. Sublime.

fluffyllama, here:

I laughed when I saw breea1 has already recced this here, because what I have to say about it is so different! Although yes, the fic is bleak, and I don't recommend trying to relax or go to sleep to it unless you know the story already, I find the descriptive passages of the empty towns and cities, and the process of Sam and Dean going about the tasks necessary for survival and wondering about the things that you surely *would* wonder about in their situation surprisingly restful in podfic form. It may be because the reading avoids melodrama even in the most dramatic parts, while still conveying panic, desperation, need, and whatever else is required by any part of the fic, or it may be (something else I agree with breea1 on) the almost hypnotic voice, but either way it works for me.


Day 01 → Your favorite song
Day 02 → Your favorite movie
Day 03 → Your favorite television program
Day 04 → Your favorite book
Day 05 → Your favorite quote
Day 06 → Whatever tickles your fancy - GIFs
Day 07 → A photo that makes you happy
Day 08 → A photo that makes you angry/sad
Day 09 → A photo you took
Day 10 → A photo of you taken over ten years ago
Day 11 → A photo of you taken recently
Day 12 → Whatever tickles your fancy - Nature is awesome!
Day 13 → A fictional book
Day 14 → A non-fictional book

Coming Soon

Day 16 → A song that makes you cry (or nearly)
Day 17 → An art piece (painting, drawing, sculpture, etc.)
Day 18 → Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 19 → A talent of yours
Day 20 → A hobby of yours
Day 21 → A recipe
Day 22 → A website
Day 23 → A YouTube video
Day 24 → Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 25 → Your day, in great detail
Day 26 → Your week, in great detail
Day 27 → This month, in great detail
Day 28 → This year, in great detail
Day 29 → Hopes, dreams and plans for the next 365 days
Day 30 → Whatever tickles your fancy

Links of the Day:

tarysuz's Meta 5x13: Anger is an Energy
light_ofmy_life's Paley 2006 Animated Icons (J2)
tahirire's Reivew and Picspam 5x13: The Song Remains the Same (Part 1 of 3); Destiny vs. Free Will Question
dramaa_princess's Picspam Promotional Stills
dean_sam's flocked Living Promos

Doctor Who:
tennant_love's Timelord Tigger Song
jagwriter78's Fanvid In Far Off Places

shmyshmy's Picspam A Tale Of Two Cities: Opening
ack_attack's Jears Merchandise Now Available For Purchase! LOL!!!!!

iconzero's Icons - BtVS, Firefly, Dollhouse, Dr Horrible
dig_behind's Icons - The Sarah Connor Chronicles, Dollhouse, Supernatural, Celebrities
stangerine88's Multifandom and Crossover Drabbles - Includes Supernatural, Firefly, Dollhouse, Merlin, etc.
ria314's Index, Works Cited, & Recs List

wtf_nature's Teen Girl With No Vagina Pregnant by Sperm Survival from Oral Sex and Knife Wound (1988 article in comments)
theweaselking's "How to split up the US": using facebook profiles to map social networks in the USA.
yuki_onna's The End of the World As We Know It (And I feel Fine) - "HOORAY! TRADITIONAL PUBLISHING IS DEAD! [...] To which I say, what?" ; Slider, You Stink - Sexism in the deodorant aisle ; Sexism in Super Bowl Advertising
lepusdomesticus's Long Ramble
Bird of Paradox's Comments and Review of Neil Gaiman's short story Changes
Librivox - Non-professional audiobooks for books in the public domain. \o/

* Chance, Human Target

fandom: fic, tv: supernatural, writing, tv: dollhouse, tv: human target, news, fandom: analysis, fandom: picspam, actors: jensen ackles, tv: tscc, fandom: fanvids, memes, things: coveted, tv: doctor who, authors: neil gaiman, my science stick, fandom: icons, tv: lost, tv: firefly/serenity

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