This shark, swallow you whole.*

Feb 10, 2010 19:30

Little shakin', little tenderizin', an' down you go.*

Sickle's Progress:

Activity: Walked! *\o/*
Food: Fruit was had! \o/
Sociality: Text from Willy, who's back in the country, so yay, but busy, so I can't see her and then I leave the country, so feh.
Emotional Health: Down the toilet, yay. I seem to have two modes these days: brain-dead or crying-mess. Please just feed me to the sharks already.
Physical Health: OMFG what the fuck happened to my face?!?
Academics: See below. Tomorrow will be submitting-manuscript-day, yays.
Job Hunting: Fail, unless I do something now.

Still working on the manuscript for the article. I just got comments back from a co-author, and it breaks my heart to read them even though I completely agree with them. (Frankly, though, anything could break my heart right now, it's so cracked.) Words like meaningless and rubbish leave me going, "Yes! By gods, yes! That paragraph is shite! There's nothing to say!" and statements like the paper says nothing interesting or novel and at this stage I do not see a publishable story in this paper leave me likewise going, "Yes! I know! Why am I even writing this anyway?" And yet just reading that with my poor heart - that's just so tired of this article, just wants it to be over with, is sitting wondering why it even tried if all it can deliver is such pointless crap - broke it and left it crying in a crumpled heap.

Links of the Day:

marylou_gr's Picspam Five Recurring Themes
cloudytea's Picspam Five Favorite Moments
ack_attack's Afterparty ; Recap's Jorge Garcia on Playing Happy Hurley ; Michael Emerson on the New, Humbled Ben and Whether He’ll Make It to the End Alive

Life on Mars:
culf's Fanvid Ain't No Rest for the Wicked

xxxxxx-6x's Chibi!Art Spartacus!Winchesters and Avatar!Winchesters
paxlux's Fic listening to the crack of doom on the hydrogen jukebox
teand's Fic Angelus Interruptus (Sam/Dean)
Supernatural Font

Human Target:
wptjeh's Podcast Episode 15: Guerrerowned - \o/

The Sarah Connor Chronicles:
heartfacsimile's Fic Evolving in Circles

Random Fandom:
janie_tangerine's Icons Lost's LA X and Supernatural's The Song Remains the Same

wtf_sexism's Emilie Autumn's "Thank God I'm Pretty" Lyrics
Charles Vess at work on Neil Gaiman’s Instructions
Gaiman Now We Are Nine: Wishing the Blog a Happy Birthday
qthewetsprocket's squee on a video posted by Neil Gaiman

* Jaws (1975)

my jobhunt, music: lyrics, fandom: fic, tv: supernatural, fandom: art, tv: human target, fandom: analysis, fandom: picspam, tv: tscc, emotion: waa!, fandom: fanvids, my daily life, actors: interviews, authors: neil gaiman, tv: life on mars, fandom: icons, actors: mike emerson, tv: lost

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