You get points for breathing in and out.*

Dec 20, 2009 20:44

It snowed all morning, leaving a good foot or so on the ground - which in a country as unused to snow as this translates to chaos - so instead of getting out of the house to wander aimlessly, I stayed in. Again. I had a short chat with my roommate Eerke, the only one with whom I really have any sort of relationship. I say hi to the others, and occasionally ask one how things are going, but only Eerke gives back the "I care!" vibe.

Which reminds me, I'm tired that every time I talk to Laura, she's all, "Oh! You've lost weight." It annoys me because no, I haven't, and even if I have, this is not something you point out to people, I think. Especially when, no, no they haven't lost weight. I mean, you're either saying it because they look horrifically emaciated and therefore must be sick, or because you think they look good, which means you thought they were fat before. In either case, shut the fuck up. She's way too direct and blunt, even for a Dutch, who are famed for their, "If I think it, I say it" mentality.

Also, she made me go over the whole, "So where are you from? But where were you born? So where are your parents from?" life history. I understand it's a potentially fascinating story to strangers, but for the love of fuck, don't you realize that I've had these questions before? And that I may not like answering them all the fucking time? Can't you just hold in your curiosity and not ask for my life history? It's like if I were a girl from Kansas and all my life people kept cracking the same old, "You're not in Kansas anymore" joke, only so much worse because I have to go over the same long schpeel and get the same questions. Look, I'm me, just leave it. It's enough to make a girl lie, say things like "I'm Canadian" (no more "Oh wow, your English is so good!" comments) or "I was raised in a remote cabin in southern Montana until the local wolves ate my entire family one winter, then I subsisted on berries and roadkill and it was very traumatic so please don't ask me any more questions."

On that note, I finally entered my weight recordings into excel and saw the failure in its full and utter glory. You can't even see the "Oh hai! I has been working out all day every day all October."

I've failed at exercise in November and December, and failed even worse at feeding myself appropriately. Come on, Friday's lunch was potatoes, Saturday's was market-fried fish, today's was a shitload of chicken wings. I even forgot to buy breakfast stuff so today there wasn't even that. And all I have for dinner is cereal (again), which is running low.

So anyway, I stayed home and have been watching Grey's Anatomy all day, and crying over it (or over other things, I don't know anymore, just basically crying). I moved to the bed around 4 pm, played Betsy for an hour (I suck at chords and stumming and everything), eventually had a shower, and now here I am, hungry and blank. Maybe I should talk to someone about the whole, "Oh hai, PMS is a week-long depressive stint! La joie!" I have over-the-counter PMS Relief pills, but I think they're more for cramps than mood swings from hell.

Tomorrow I'm definitely getting out of the house to print insurance forms for the doctor's visit and the meds. I think I might slip in a visit to Den Haag just for the walkies, or at least buy a real lunch with all the green things included. Right now I'm going to eat breadsticks and cry over more Grey's Anatomy.

Links of the Day:

risenshine22's Fanvid Oo De Lally - Dean and Sam Winchester, golly what a day!
secretlytodream's Fanvid I Will Fear No Evil
commodoresexual's rant Thou Shalt Not Be A Douchebag about OTP: You can like Dean/Cas, Dean/Sam and yes, even just Sam, without your head imploding, all at the same time.
ash48's Meta and Picspam Dean and Food
ina_ami's Picspam Jared and Jensen through the years
sn_epi_discuss's John and Mary Winchester: Seals, Angels and Fate
Minion Stimulus: Misha's Minions Doing Good Works In The World - Fear the minions and their organizational skills!

Doctor Who:
Guardian's Interview with David Tennant

deadwillwalk's Multifandom Icons - Drak Angel, Supernatural, BtVS
fahye's Fanfiction List's The Best New TV Characters of 2009 - Includes True Blood's Newlan, Supernatural's Lucifer and Castle's Castle. "At this point, Nathan Fillion could play a cadaver and he'd still be a joy to watch on screen." :D

marika_kailaya's Favorite Stories She's Written - One day, I will read all her works. *shakes fist at the clock* One day!
American Reject's Dirty Little Secret Music Video features PostSecret Postcards

* George, Grey's Anatomy

actors: misha collins, tv: btvs, actors: david tennant, tv: supernatural, tv: awards, tv: true blood, tv: doctor who, tv: castle, fandom: icons, fandom: picspam, fandom: analysis, my crack metaphors, my rants, fandom: fanvids, my daily life

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