Lets study them, shall we?*

Dec 19, 2009 19:07

Status Report: Gods bless antibiotics!

I woke up with my heart racing because my phone was ringing (shock, I know). It was mom, being all, "I has money for phone! But I can not spend monies, so bye!"

Then I made an appointment for the emergency weekend doctor, which went actually too well because the lady said, "Well, you can come in at 11:30." She said this at 11:15. I was in my pijamas with my breakfast untouched, so begged for a later hour. The appointment was set for 12 pm, which meant I had just enough time to chug down a glass of milk, get decent and... And discover that the garage door has once again been locked from the inside, which meant I had to practically run to the hospital. Except the room wasn't in the hospital. After asking for directions, going around the outside of the entire hospital building and cursing all gods, I snuck in after a couple (the man had a stiff leg) into the emergency room, which, it turns out, was also the weekend doctor room.

A line of dots on the floor later and I was at the desk. Embarrassing samples were collected, the infection was confirmed (leukocytes! erythrocytes!) and I got a prescription. (A prescription which the pharmacy sort of gave me, so that instead of two pills daily I need to take four daily and I still can't figure out the hours I need to wait between each dose.) I also snuck in a question about the godsawful rash I've had on my face since June, and got the, "Well, could be a sudden sporadic allergy. Use vaseline only for a couple weeks, then see your doctor if it doesn't clear."

So off to my pharmacy which was...closed. Permanently. So off to a - ooh, I can't think of the word now, not-pharmacy, Jean Coutu without the prescription meds sort of place - to ask for directions, then a wait then pills. \o/

Then I bought terribly greasy food at the market (like, "Oh my gods, I feel so ill, let me never eat that again," greasy, no matter that it's fish), had lunch, and crawled into bed.

Cue Grey's Anatomy marathon. Whilst crying, because that show has yet made an episode that will not make me cry. Honestly, I'm just watching Season 2 for the Jeffrey Dean Morgan scenes, which will be awesome. And someday I'll need to re-watch PS: I Love You because holy gods, JDM and Irish accents!

At the moment I feel like I've chewed out the inner lining of my lower lip, have a headache (still) and am hungry yet nauseaus (stupid greasy food). Sushi! And Dollhouse! Then back to Grey's Anatomy, with knitting, and another pill just before sleep. Ah, medicine, how I love thee.

* Grey's Anatomy

tv, movies, my health, my daily life

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