Alright guys, I've joined the crazy. I'd been planning on limping along behind the masses for a while, but hell, if you're going to fail, at least get your name on the fail-list, right? So I'm going to do Nanowrimo (
my profile).
I haven't written anything substantial in about a year, so that's starting off well. I do have a half-assed plot, or rather plots: I'm planning on combining a number of plot bunnies into a horrible Frankenbunny. I know Nano says you have to start from scratch, although outlines are a-okay. So while I have pieces of these plotbunnies written, I'll slip them in once Nano is over and I'm a crack-addict insomniac with only 10,000 words of a novel, the last 500 of which are along the lines of "All work and no play."
The plotbunnies (and their
sickle_stories entries) are as follows:
the dying angel in a post-apocalyptic world with
unusual wounds 2) Charles "Chip" Northrup
who is driving away from something and
doesn't like it 3)
Nit, an anthropomorphic personification of darkness or something worse? 4)
Zombie first-person point of view which is
simply a conscious corpse.
Now, there's no word on using Fandom in Nano (why would there?) but I think if I get stuck I can lay the whole thing into Supernatural's "The End" apocalyptic and Croatoan-stricken future. But I guess I should just start writing the damn thing and roll with it. If I have to be disorganized and have a zillion flash-backs or introductions or story-lines that may meet up 'round the back, so be it.
May the gods spare us undue harm. (And writer's block.)
In other news, I bought and ate ridiculous amounts of candy, failed to dress up or go out anywhere, and watched The Exorcist for the first time (
on YouTube) and failed to be awed by said classic, although it's alright.
ETA: I'm 634 words in. Chip has cleaned his windshield (poorly) and smoked a cigarette. Maybe starting with your character driving alone to nowhere in particular isn't the best idea... But I'm seeing where things can go. I think I'll do the dying angel bit soon, and that can add a whole lot of exposotion and characters and possibly crack. Also, violence will have to ensue at some point. I need just over 1000 words tomorrow for Day 1 of Nano to not be a failure. Whoot!
Links of the Day:
devilzhaircut's Lost Picspam
Ben Linus, Halloween-themedisjustaphase's
Supernatural icons tagdotfic's Supernatural Meta Picspam
SPN 5x07: the red, the blue, and the morally ambiguouswoodstarling's Supernatural Fanvid
Poker Face (5x07, "The Curious Case of Dean Winchester" episodic)
The Exorcist film analysis 1 of 3 by Rob AgerMove over, Twinkies: Deep-fried butter is here - "Inventor of fried Coke and fried cookie dough is ‘back with a vengeance’"
* Matt Schucker