Drunkenness is nothing but voluntary madness.*

Oct 31, 2009 15:23

heroes_meta Heroes 4x06 "Strange Attractors"

Jeremy, Bennett and Tracy

- So Heroes is going by the "All cops is bastards!" route?

- The cops are practically groping Jeremy and considering how much effort it took him to not kill at first touch just a few hours ago, I'm surprised the police station isn't swimming with corpses.

- Oh gods, the dragging death of Jeremy falls under Things I Do Not Need To See! I've already been traumatized by descriptions of necklacing and also Supernatural's "Yellow Fever" draggy death. Do Not Want!

- Bennett and Tracy discuss their nefarious plan of passing her off as a blood relative right in front of the police station as a cop passes by. This, dear characters, is the definition of stupid. The stupidity continues with Tracy blowing her cover with barely one foot in the door and a cop right outside the door. Seriously, how is this police station still standing?

- Jeremy's underage, not been officially charged, his parents are probably still on their way to the forensic examiner with no obvious murderous cause of death and the cop's swearing to lock him up indefinitely? *shakes head* The representation of law enforces in this show seriously sucks.

- Bennett, you ass! You can save Jeremy! Remember Peter? And now Jeremy's officially dead, so he can go off and live emotastically ever after.

Tracy and Samuel

- Sammuel's oirish accent goes bye-bye for unknown reasons while he's talking to Tracy. Because we all know that women can trust gothed-up carnival men who randomly stalk them, but run away screaming if they're Irish.

Claire, Gretchen

- Ye gods, sororities are scary.

- There's only four new candidates for the sorority? And two can sit out hazing week? (Which means two girls with be maaaaasively hazed.) Man, the sorority must be seriously lame then.

- The whole scene kidnapping scene and truck-ride scenes read like really bad fanfic whose sole aim is to get Claire and Gretchen sexin' it on. Gah.

- Gretchen's headshake and "Awesome" to Claire's "I don't know" is a thing made of win.

Sylar, Matt

- Sylar's my favorite kind of crazy in this episode! Like Simm!Master in Doctor Who. They should watch Teletubbies together :)

- Sylar took over Matt's body! Aaaand had sex with Janice, which I find a bit squicky. The squick is in part because I never would've thought of that pairing and I just don't see it, but also because screwing a man's wife just to fuck with him is Not Cool because that wife is a person, not furniture you can pee on and claim as part of these pathetic alpha-male contests.

- Matt, if you want to find answers, get your bloody Spirit Guide Tortoise! Or is it hiding somewhere with Mohinder and Molly?

- Massive loss of points, Matt, for answering an "I love you," with "Good." Ass.

- So Matt has "no idea" where Mohinder is? At least he has a bloody phone number, and hence a country code. Us viewers don't even have that much!

- Matt starts to drink, and the Drinking Is Bad lesson joins forces with the Don't Drown Your Demons In Liquor metaphor and beats the audience senseless.

- It's amusing how instant the alcohol effect is. I mean, Sylar's writhing in pain before the beer's even hit Matt's esophagus. (Translation: fail, writers, massive fail.)

- Oh Matt, the images you've conjured up in fangirls' brains with the phrase, "a leash for this dog" has resulted in unexplained death-by-brain'splodey pandemics.

- Assuming this alcohol thing works, Matt, do you really think it's a permanent solution? Like, you get drunk once and Sylar kicks the bucket? Or he disappears for the amount of time that you're drunk, in which case alcoholism for the win?

- Uh, Matt? You're drinking yourself into a completely-out-of-it and extremely-psychically-vulnerable stupor when you're basically possessed? That's a Really Bad Plan.

- I don't think I like Sylar!Matt. He doesn't so much ooze charm as ooze skeeve.

- Sylar, I know you're using Matt's brain and therefore get a little slack on the sharpness of the tools you got to work with, but having a discussion with imaginary!Matt in front of a glass door just opposite of Matt's wife and boss? Probably not a good idea.

Playing By Heart Brief Review

- The structure is like Love, Actually in that it's multiple love stories that all meet up round the back.

- Two stories involved men (Dennis Quaid, Sean Connery) who's characters had me constantly saying things like, "You bastard!"

- Angelina Jolie was brilliant and her story with Ryan Phillippe was really sweet. Except for that bit at the end where my heart got a little squished. But then things were made better.

- Michael Emerson shows up for a brief moment. He's a bit hard to miss with that "Oh my god, I'm blind!" tie.

- One of the doctors from ER (the one who gets cancer at one points - look, I hardly watched the show) also features in a story. This is very distracting, but their story's alright.

- Gillian Anderson, Jon Stewart and Jon Stewart's Smirk make for one adorable story. I really liked Gillian's character in her closed-off, cold and slightly neurotic and controlling ways. She wants a relationship, but can't deal with it, and watching her try to turn the corner whilst Jon's character is courting her is beautiful.

- There's a really heart-breaking Mother and Son story, too, involving AIDS (because this movie is from the 90s) which is just ;_;

Links of the Day:

deanscookie's Supernatural Fanmix The World Is Not Enough for leonidaslion's Suite!Verse AU Series - ♥♥♥!!!
amplificathon's Supernatural Podfic This Thing Called Free Will by tracy_loo_who, read by fullondazzled ; Supernatural Podbook In the Silence Afterward by ibroketuesday, read by fullondazzled
fatedcinderella's Nightmare on Elm Street/Supernatural Fanvid Trailer Never Sleep Again
AliasJaneDoe's Supernatural/BtVs/AtS Fanvid Sleep of the Just (Dean/Faith)

Doctor Who
swallowedbysky at crafty_tardis's TARDIS sock pattern
ombredelarue's Alis Grave Nil (Simm!Master/Ten!Doctor)
qthewetsprockets "A recent interview with Audrey Niffenegger [of The Time Travellor's Wife], wherein she sings the praises of our new evil overlord [Steven Moffat, new Doctor Who boss]"
Littleridge's "Blink" Easter Egg interaction of win

The Daily Show / The Colbert Report

The Daily Show's June 19, 2008 Guantanamo Baywatch: Supreme Court Ruling - Gitmo! Oh, this is so adorable! ; The Procrastinator - Hilarious running comic of Bush as superhero The Decider and The Procrastinator
Nofactzone's Stephen Colbert talks to (and does not shout at) NJ.com ; Six Degrees: Jon Stewart (and ghosts of ‘The Daily Show’ past and present) ; EXCLUSIVE! No Fact Zone interview with John Oliver
The Bugle (Podcast including John Oliver) #93 - Oil is running out, bring on the new stone age!


eric_sookie's Fanvid Rec
gear_halo's "Posted a bunch of photos from [their] bootcamp year book." = Hilarious faces ftw!
wondermark's The Stoakes-Whibley Natural Index of Supernatural Collective Nouns - A shroud of ghouls. A solace of Baba Yagas. A sleigh of Santa Claus. A cackle of mad scientists.
Footnotes Button! and others by the creator
Maria Bamford, stand-up comedian


Waltzing Matilda (Wiki of this bushland ballad and unofficial Australian national anthem)
Caroline Neron - C'est juste de l'amour
Noir Desir - A l'envers, a l'endroit ; Lost
Les Cowboys Fringants - Toune d'amour - ♥! ; Plus Rien - With English subtitles. About the last man in a world ravaged by climate change. Woe, yet awesome video with stop-motion puppets.
Luce Dufaut - Tu me fais du bien

* Seneca the Younger

knitting, tv: daily_s/colbert_r, fandom: fic, tv: supernatural, language: french, tv: heroes, fandom: analysis, actors: jon stewart, fandom: fanvids, my movie reviews, fandom: heroes_meta, fandom: fanmixes, tv: true blood, tv: doctor who, movies, monsters, music

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