I'm in an awful way. *

Oct 18, 2008 20:53

I got kicked out of the computer lab - I thought they closed at 6:30 instead of 6:00 because I've been working at the Biology building everyday after class until closing time, which there is 6:30. I didn't get much work done, just found some photographs of parks and reserves in Kenya and Tanzania.

Then I went to the supermarket for whatever might cheer me up (Confettinni Caketjes**, wine, sushi). Obviously that failed because I almost burst out crying the in the super, then biked home and stood helpless in my room trying not to collapse on the floor and uttering these pathetic whines. Then I replied to Kit-kat's email, opened up the wine, and looked up YouTube videos.

Am now delightfully numb. The brain's on hold, the emotions are on hold... Everything's good.

Cat Stevens - Another Saturday Night (Sam Cooke) - Live 1976

image Click to view

Oh Yusuf, I miss your music. Moonshadow is one of my all time favorite songs ever. (But please stop it with the head-ducking tick.)

BBC - Planet Earth - Lion pride hunting elephants

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One of Africa's largest prides, at 30 individuals, has specialized in elephant hunting. The footage is missing the crucial parts - actually downing the elephant - so I'm still wondering just how they do it. I know from elephant calf kills that the lions have to learn to go for the trunk, especially since they can't get a strangle-hold on the neck, but I can't wrap my mind around how they bowl the pachyderm over.

National Geographic - Lion takes over a pride (continued here with infanticide - no sound)

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Leopard takes down 2 gnus in succession

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Male lions vs. hyenas over elephant kill

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Remember when the fimmakers and cameramen never appeared in documentaries? When the soundtrack was super minimal? Ah, the good ol' days.

Links of the Day:
The Daily Mail: Astonishing pictures of the cub killed for insolence by Jane Freyer

* "Another Saturday Night", Sam Cooke
** Albert Hein flat muffin cake thingies with pink icing and confetti thingies

emotion: woe!, tv: documentary, my daily life, wildlife, music: vids, tv: clips

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