I'm a Gnu, a g-nother gnu*

Oct 18, 2008 16:45

Friday morning was spent in a meeting with my supervisor. We'd set the time at 9:15 (although he was late, as always, because my time isn't valuable, of course) so that we'd have some one-on-one time before my partner and her supervisor showed up. There was no one-on-one. Which meant that the supervisors took turns talking to us and also on the topics, so sometimes I just had to sit there and look pretty (as opposed to frustrated and on a tight schedule).

I was extrememly displeased that my supervisor had brought an ancient edition on our proposal. How ancient? It was the same one he brought last time. Meaning he made suggested the same edits he had weeks ago, and I had to grin and nod and say, "Yes, we've discussed this already. I've fixed it." There's been a gazillion changes from last meeting to yesterday's. And then he keeps adding things he's told me to remove, adding even more work. I mean, for gods' sake, he's talking about making a hyena population count. Hyenas! I'm not studying all predators in ANP, damnit!

So now there's more editing, which of course, falls to me. He didn't even give my partner a copy of his edits. No, just me.

And we're no closer on the funding. Am I going to have to organize that as well? I don't have time! I have to read a whole textbook on financial management for my exam on Friday! And work on our group's project management project! And maybe, oh, I dunno...live a little?

So. Frustrated.

For the first time since the start of September, I didn't go to the gym on Friday afternoon. I just just utterly exhausted. I'd been almost-nodding-off during the case discussion which I couldn't follow anyway. I haven't been this lost on a topic since that radiation lab in Biol 301 back in BSc. Like there's this big-ass wall in my brain that financial management just can't get through.

I hung out with Elisa on Friday night, chatting about animal behaviour and politics and watching YouTube videos and Bones. I was so tired I kept falling asleep towards during the Bones viewing.

Today I went to the Naturalis museum, 'cause it had a special exhibition on wildebeest (i.e. gnu). I watched a film, Savage Paradise, by Hugo van Lawick (deceased; website). That was the only cool thing of the exhibition.

The rest was a small room with some taxidermy specimens, some videos and information thingies. However, the majority of it was interactive "family friendly" things. Now, I'm not against museums being family friendly, but if their eduactional activities include two sets of microphones and children screaming into them as loud as they can for ages just so see if their male gnu gets to attract the most females for being the loudest, then that just makes for a bad experience. There were other things, like "crawl towards the red button pretending you're a lion hunting a gnu" which seemed like decent ideas, and, I'll admit, the awesometastic strip of fake-grass underwhich you could feel the fake-thumping of gnu hers running over the plains. But being there just made me very anxious and uncomfortable and frustrated what with the screaming running children and the really shitty and limited "and now, more octopus gnu". :(

And now I'm at the computer lab, not-working, though I should. Well... I mean, yeah, "should" work, but also should be out having fun with folks. One of my roommate's in France with some friends, for crying out loud, and one of my classmate's in New Castle visiting and my other roommates are gods' know where - I haven't seen them in ages - and everyone's out having fun with people. Even my internship partner (who omfg complained she didn't have time to research, actually complained! You're not allowed to complain unless you've a) at least fucking tried (not even a scholar.google was done!) and b) you've worked yourself to exhaustion evenings and on weekends. Then you can complain about not having time. But nooooo, let me do all the work. Argh.) does stuff.

I'm so stressed I'm ranting at anyone who'll hear me, which leaves me often not-ranting, because of the limited social interactions I've got going. Mom gets emails forwarded to her, prefaced by angry and frustrated "omfg I can't believe it!" excalamtions by me.

This is me:

Links of the Day:
The Savage paradise: Wild Dogs - A tae of two sisters (1993) - H van Lawick
wtf_nature's hagfish and Lechuguilla, New Mexico - 0.0
Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo
ana_jo's TSCC Fanvid: Map Of The Problematique(Allison & Cameron & John)

* "The Gnu", Flanders and Swann

friends, wildlife, movies, language: english, tv: tscc, my rants, postgrad: internship, fandom: fanvids, my daily life

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