I'm glad you can agree with your stupid neighbor cities of Highland and Alpine. You and your county's 90% Mormon (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints) brethren can be so happy... no beer will be sold in your little town on Sunday (or any businesses open). Yes... that's what's "Right" in the LORD's eyes after all, right?
Never mind that Jews take their sabbath on Saturdays... or that other religions choose to observe them in other ways.
Gawd, I am SO glad I don't live in Utah County. I think I'd die. Heather, how do you do it? Is Provo really that much better?
It seems that despite my preliminary judgment based on KSL NewsRadio's poor reporting (WTF playing only people that said "I voted yes! I did what I thought was right for my values and community.") ... anyway... the votes FAILED. :-o
http://radio.ksl.com/index.php?sid=215233&nid=19 Now if poor Cedar Hills can just attract any retailers. ;)