first run in ages

Apr 14, 2010 17:21

Have felt painfully slack of late, and haven't run or walked at lunch for a couple of weeks. Especially felt it when heading out for a couple of circuits of the park today! wow. Must find a running buddy  to keep me honest.. con_girl, where are you?

Scribing up a storm right now, with visible improvements, which is encouraging. Did a couple of ID backlogs, while returning scribe Arianrhod, living in Flintheath, has made a clean sweep of almost all the rest of the unassigned ones.

Coffee definitely gives me the jitters, which affects my painting.

I now finally own a Linex line guide. It's not an intuitive item, but who knew that you could draw lines for scrolls so quickly (the most boring part of setup work)?

If you're a scribe and don't yet own one, RUN to the interwebs and find either a linex line guide or an Ames line guide. You won't regret it!

Last weekend ended up being something of a spring-clean, unintentionally. Robert successfully cleared an extremely ugly shelving unit and has stowed it in one of the cupboards - something I didn't  think would fit! - leaving our living space just a bit sparer. We both spent time weeding old DT and magazine piles, and clearing detritus from the living room. I struggle to put away my crafts materials; I have such hopes when I bring them out, such good intentions! but when I don't do the crafts, they then start to sulk and glare at me, collecting in corners, muttering amongst themselves. Sigh.

Harley puss continues to court admirers in the close; one of them followed her in the house at 2am on Mon night/Tues morning, to press his suit. I was woken by growling and hissing at the top of the stairs - fortunately not followed by indoor piddling this time. One of the toms, who we've dubbed the Singer, seems to visit just to howl a few feline showtunes, and then wander off, after marking the door. She tolerates him though - we've seen them nose-kissing in the schoolyard (useful things, kitchen windows).

madam, running, scribing, cats

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