benchilada Aug 21, 2007 23:45
hulk, flickr, namor was right, tony stark, iron man, posters, doctor strange, steven strange, submariner, namor, dr strange, crimsondude
benchilada Jun 12, 2007 16:18
hulk, comics, greg pak, world war hulk, comic books, marvel
benchilada May 11, 2007 15:06
hulk, thanks, greg pak, planet hulk, comcs
benchilada Mar 19, 2007 14:54
grant morrison, hulk, halloween, g0dz17la, five questions, a party to shake the heavens, bobo_dreams, orkut, comics, man_size, meme, thor, funranium, fairyarmadillo, livejournal
benchilada Feb 16, 2007 17:12
thunderbolt, hulk, matthew, best description ever, benji liebowitz, top king, power, china, overlord, superior powered, contest, bruce banner, comics, knock-offs, toy, toys
benchilada Feb 12, 2007 16:45
thunderbolt, hulk, china, overlord, superior powered, best description ever, benji liebowitz, true believer, toy, toys, top king, power, ekxselziorr!!!
benchilada Apr 13, 2006 14:45
armless hulk, hulk, bear arms, meme, bill of rights, things i can't draw