Pimp limping for fun and profit

Oct 10, 2008 13:00

So, about  two or three years ago my Tourette's decided to start making me walk funny. I had hoped it was a transient tic--one that I have for a while that eventually goes away--and not a resident tic. While it did eventually calm down from its original fucking bullshit, it's still with me.

I have a video somewhere of when it first started. Thought it was on YouTube, must just be on my laptop.
I'll try to take a video of what it looks like now, too, and post 'em some day.

Anyway, my coworker Matt calls it my pimp limp, which has prompted me to do the same.

This is the bottom of my left shoe, which really isn't affected by the way my right like rotates during the pimp limp:

This is the bottom of my right shoe, which IS affected by my pimp limp:

Fucking whee, right?

EDIT: YES I'M GETTING NEW SHOES. I have some Sketchers that fit my stupidly wide feet, I just haven't bought new canvas shoes yet. These lasted about three or four months.

Useless things I learned from bookmancu  today: hanyak is a Czech / Polish word for "rascals".

It's also a word used for meth, but what word HASN'T been used for that?

Oh, here's a poem.

It took thirty seconds to write.

It's called "Hipster"


Hey, hipster.
Get away from me.
No, seriously.
Damn it, hipster.
Get away.
Hipster, don't bring your fucking friends to this bar.
Motherfucker, what did I just say?
This bar is ours.
Hipster, you better listen to me.
Oh, you can't.
It's probably the pencils I just jammed it your ears.
God you're a douche.


I'm going to try to beat my writer's block to death with whiskey this weekend. Wish me luck.

No matter what, I have some drawings for you next week and will finish my Super Explodo So You Don't Have To post for Monday.



writing, shoes, fuckbrain, fuck you brain, poems, poetry, walking, poem, tourette's syndrome, scott, pimping, tourette's

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