(no subject)

Jul 05, 2006 10:01

Spam poetry. Punctuation and line breaks have been changed, but the word order has been preserved.


Death particle effects.

Collins Rides Air, swimming sexy

Guess visions own

From members.

Words: Category, Home, Fulltext

Persuade: Showed print

Periodic Php/Mysql backend.

Ten signifies use.copy

Processes dominate fields atomic

Atlanta stories. minutes.

Shuttle Tattoo.

Learned power.

Ed falling.

Essay: Northrop Frye

Job intros

Lady Henry dropped question:

Stretch affecting SampP?

Symbol: Lookup

Register FAQ

Calendar: Todays did this beautiful game, “It Facts.”

Coherence Wears Prada More

Check status: clerical


Lookup Updated: sponsored COMING

Lives forever donned uniform.


Victory supposed classless.

Combining struggle


Fillers panel strips filling spreads.

Deft Garys quirky lateral funnier.

Postponed Sri Lankans,

Mace it.

Masthead cosmos

Alien twice



x-posted to
spampoetry, which you should all join and contribute to 'cause it's awesome...

poetry, spam

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