From my YahooGroup:
Regardless of your political affiliation, this should make you rather ill.
I know that a number of the people on this list are in Illinois, as I am, and are near a GKC Theatre, as I am.
Make the call.
benjamin sTone
More activisty than usual tonight, which is saying a lot...
"Eli Pariser, MoveOn PAC" wrote:
Date: Wed, 07 Jul 2004 14:24:59 -0700
From: "Eli Pariser, MoveOn PAC"
To: "Benjamin Stone"
Subject: Local theaters censoring Fahrenheit 9/11: Call now.
Dear MoveOn member,
Michael Moore's movie "Fahrenheit 9/11" is having a powerful impact on this country, provoking an important debate about the Bush Administration's record.
Unfortunately, two theater chains (GCK Theaters in Michigan and Illinois and Fridley Theaters in Iowa and Nebraska) refuse to carry the film. GKC Theaters claims they made the decision to show "undivided support" for the troops -- an especially bald claim given that the whole point of the film is about supporting the troops. The president of Fridley Theaters is making the ludicrous claim that the movie somehow incites terrorism*. At the end, these decisions simply amount to partisan censorship.
Please take a moment to call the theaters now and demand that they not censor this important movie.
1) Call your local GKC theater. You will get a recording with a number you can press to speak to someone. Ask to speak to the General Manager or Manager. You can find your local theater here: 2) You can also call the GKC Theaters central office:
Beth Kerasotes, President
GKC Theaters
(217) 528-4981 ext. 105
Please let us know that you called at: Thank you.
-- Eli Pariser
MoveOn PAC
Wednesday, July 7, 2004
P.S. Here are a couple links to articles about this situation:
GKC Theaters (MI/IL/IN/WI): Theaters (IA/NB):
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