goin down... down to the riverside

Dec 17, 2003 15:23

wahhhhh I read the best interview in photography class today when I was on the 'net... it made my day. Really. It's an interview with Calvin Johnson from the movie "Songs For Cassavettes" that Chip told me about... it's so great.


I really want to go to Olympia for college. I think I can get in to Evergreen, too. I am anticipating this so much. Awwww man... just to see some shows put on by K artists... maybe meet Calvin... and maybe he'd give me some like life-changing advice about starting an indie label or something and then after college I could come back to CT and start my own label and T&M would be on it as well as maybe the Disestablishment or Emanon if they don't get picked up by a label... because let's face it, Connecticut has no good indie labels. I think I heard about this one Asbestos Records in Bridgeport, but I have never seen it nor heard about it from anyone and so far it doesn't seem to be making the local scene more public, so it's obviously not doing its job. I am fucking starting a zine. I am going to go to shows put on by local bands. Whether I like it or not. And I am going to fucking write about them and support them because THAT IS WHAT YOU DO. If only there weren't so many boring metal bands around here... at least those are some of the only bands around here that I know about. Well that's not true. There's that crappy pop-punk band Red Chester and that other one... well the point is there's not enough *original* and *talented* bands around here. Just Emanon and T&M and maybe Molly's band but I've never actually heard them. And The Pac-Men from Danbury... I'll have to listen to that CD again. OH and Christina's friend's band that sounds like Radiohead! eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee time for me to get started cya!!!
I fucking want to meet Calvin Johnson so bad... gah... is this healthy? To still have someone you look up to this much when you are 17?
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