Life am good, except my damn car..

Feb 09, 2007 01:04

This has been a good week overall.

on tuesday I spent some time talking to Ted, an old friend (and costumer of Misty mountain North). He asked how my schooling was going (I have finished my 2year tech degree in manufacturing engineering). Ted seemed very interested in getting me to come take a tour of the plant floor, at saint jude medical, and started informing me of job options (maybe its time I get a real job?). Definitly not an opportunity I'm going to pass up without knowing more!

I had a wonderful evening of sorting cards with Ben, and Cedan's assistance (I payed them, I payed them....). I have a decent chance of making my WoW singles business work, if the game is strong I can make money at it! My father decided to offer an investment into my company, that If it doesn't work out, I can liquidate all assets, pay back what I can, and not lose personal assets.

The only major downer in the week is that my alternator seems to be dying at a rapid rate, I lost most power including power steering on the drive home wednesday, made it to the house, the car still starts and I even had power steering again it may have just been really cold, hopefully I can drive it to saturn, and have them fix it (with my father following in case it breaks down of course)

Goals for tomorrow include restocking WoW cards at misty (trying to get a full playset in there) and getting my car fixed.
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