Mar 05, 2007 22:10
My dreamsand mental health are worrying me
It's like I'll wake up, confused and terrified
Or i'll have a flashback of the dream and not be sure if it happened or not
Or jsut find myself really weirded out : [
So last night or the night before, I dreamy that like I was at home, but it was a cross between my house, my old house and a canal boat...
And I was home alone, like closing doors and windows, coz I hate being home alone, especially at night,
And I went into the kitchen and there was a like polish man there (he may not be polish I don't know) and he was ushaven with long scruffy hair, and he was going through drawers and stuff
And he smiled at me and began to speak and I was like shouting and yelling at this man to get out my house
And so I grabbed him and he was protesting or something and I was close to tears saying like "this is my fuckin house get out" and he grabbed me...then I woke up.
It's so weird
Then I was like half awake and kept hearing someone whisper "let me out ben" and it happened whenever the chicken crowed... And maaan I really don't know what's wrong with me, it's mainly these dreams that are freaking me out : [