Fuck. I just wrote a LONG update and then hit backspace, and it went back in my browser, and then everything got lost. So here's everything in point form now.
-Finished the last MOW "Four"
-Had 3 days off and went on a great camping trip with Haley.
-Here's a couple photos from that trip, click to enlarge:
In the middle: One of the best ways to wake up. On the right, one of the glacial lakes Haley and I hiked to.
-Went to work on another MOW, called "All She Wants for Christmas"
-Had a stressful time on that show becuase it was very fast paced, had some difficult props issues (including a lot of food and a 22' inflatable snowman") and had some very aggravating people on he crew.
-Here's a picutre from that show, click to enlarge
-After my next paycheque I might have all my creit card debt paid off, then I'll just owe my grandma $2k, and will soon be in the black again.
-Had my car broken into one night, discovered my stereo, digital compass, and some camping knives were stolen. I'd left my window down a crack, so luckily(?) it was coathangered as opposed to having my window smashed or my lock wrecked. I went out later that week and bought a new stereo with a removable faceplate.
-Enjoying my week or so off. Doing chores, washing my car, watching movies, sleeping in.
-Things with Haley are great. I really love her, and I keep thinking about moving in with her in the future when we're both more stable.
-My friend from highschool just got married. I'm afraid it's the start of a trend of proof that I'm getting older.
-Halloween stock is coming out in stores already. I won't be doing a haunted house at Aberthau this year though. Halloween's up in the air right now.
-Will update again with some pictures that are still on my camera.
-Haven't done horseback riding in a while, don't think I will anymore, unless I can learn a little Western riding. Still owe the guy some video work.
-Things left to do this summer (which is nearly ended): Paint my bathroom, instal my car alarm and foglights, find the NOTFD hard drive, lose weight and get in shape.