The past 2 days

Jun 28, 2006 15:27


The plan was to meet up at my house and be on the road by 12. I woke up to find out that the Hotel we had planned to stay at ($56.00) required a 21 year old to book, so Scott found a different one which was $79.00. To make a long story short alot of people bullshitted and backed down at the last minute, which left Me, Scott, and Molly. They were pretty pissed off about having to spend more money since it was only being split between 3 people. Fuck money and fuck them, I was going to see Leftover Crack! The 3 of us hopped into my car and off into what was basically nowhere we went. North of Nashville There was this crazy coked-up motherfucker in a red car cutting people off and driving all wrecklessley that we fucked with for a good 30 minutes, we really must've scared the shit out of him when we took the same exit un-intentionally as an error on my part :). Overall the drive up was quite pleasent. No fighting or confusion, just laughing and talking. Or maybe it was just the tea. If only the ride back were just as nice.

Lexington is where the Kentucky derby is held. It's the poshiest, richest, whitest metropolitan area I've ever been to. We saw a fucking cop patrolling down Main St. on a vespa fucking scooter. The hotel was about 5 minutes away from the venue, we went there for a minute and unpacked some shit, the went to find our venue "Arts Place". It was relatively easy to find, in one of those areas where they turn the old houses and condos into stores and businesses. This place was sort of like a YMCA for art fags. There was a ballet class going on when we got there, and I kept thinking "what the hell?" We walked inside and found some guy who asked if we were here for the music concert, (haha, they had no idea what was about to happen that night) he took us to a big empty circular room with a wooden floor which was pretty much perfect for the situation. we were about 3 hours early so we decided to walk around. Overall, downtown was pretty boring however we discovered that the new world trade center is located in Lexington. Scott suggested they were going for a "they can't bomb what they can't find" strategy. We also foind this kickass abandoned parking garage that was full of remarkable graffiti. This is where Scott drank his beer (I was on the tea, and Molly didnt want to for some reason). I had brought two cups, one for each day; but I said fuck it and drank another right before the show.

It was the typical punk show crowd. Some of the people being super hardcore assholes that wear leather in the summer with spikes and decorations all over their body, some hipsters, some younger kids who get dropped off by their parents, but mostly just regular people. I started to get really fucked up waiting outside for the doors to open. I was nodding off while sitting on the curb when all the vans pulled up, and realised that I had forgotten about my ciggarette in my hand that had since burned down to the filter. There were some dickheads laughing at me, but fuck them, I was high. They all ended up buying the same LoC shirts and wearing em around too, which made them look like a bunch of kindergardeners on a field trip. I dunno why, but Ezra walked up to us and we talked for a brief moment. He slurred a bunch of words and said he was gonna go walk up the street; I assumed he was looking to score. For the rest of the night my memory fades on alot of specifics, but I remember the show taking a long time to start. Scott wanted to put his phone in my car and polish another beer, and as we were going up to it we saw Ez again. Scott offered him a beer, and we talked in the parking lot for a long fucking time. I asked Ezra if he was trying to score, to which he replied "hah, how'd you know?". "I'm from out of town," I said "if we were in Nashville however, I could help you out." Him and I talked about junkie pains, and withdrawal. He mentioned that he was trying to kick which we all knew was bullshit. He talked about his Girlfriend troubles, his band troubles, and really opened up as if we were his good friends. He told us a few stories about how Stza was pulled off a plane before it left the runway because the people were complaining about his dirty, stinky, filthy presence. And how they're all not getting along together at all and tour in seperate vehicles. Him a Stza had gotten in a fist fight the night before in the middle of the show, and he's thinking about leaving for the rest of the tour. Stza must've been hiding before the show, because I never saw him at all, but I don't remember looking incredibly hard. As usual, he was too drunk after the show to carry on a good conversation, so it resorted to a "hey, great show Stizz, you kick ass." Which it in fact was, much better than the show in April. World Inferno Friendship Society didn't play, which really really sucks. Apparently someone in the band's appendix exploded and theyre all at some hospital somewheres. I really liked Intro5pect, it wasn't at all what I was expecting and was a breath a fresh air.

I'm not done with this, just really tired from driving all day.
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