Wrong Century

Mar 09, 2008 16:55

Oh, Lord. How I wish I were born in the years Before Jesus Christ. That would be amazing. I could study in Egypt, Greece, Rome! Speak ten languages and walk the streets in a white robe with my fellow scholars and be a genius! Speak with the astronomers and Priests and philosophers! Have my name written in Greek and the Heiroglyphs. Talk to all the important pharaohs.

Be studied by people of this day, be written in History books, oh God I wanna study there NOW!

Alas, this country we live in today is the knowledge capital of the world. So shouldn't I be milking it for everything it's worth? NO! Because those things had that and more! They had romance and battles and real wars and amazing hypnotic religion and huge animals in cages everywhere and I could have a pet tiger in my room! I could float down the Nile with the pharoah and his wives and chatter about political affairs and math and science and the construction of his tomb.

How lightly we would speak of death. How we would plot for an after life. We would be the most brilliant world renowned people...

That's where I should be! That's all I would settle for TODAY! But where has it all gone?! I'll tell you! It went to Terrorists, England, Suicidal bombing, Prostitution, Drugs...

So much for learning about and in those old capitals of the world. I AM in the capital of the world today. And it's boring as sin.
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