it's effin late....

Jun 29, 2006 01:23

and i can't fall asleep. granted, i haven't really tried. but i'm up talking to an awesome girl right now and i'd rather do that than sleep.

by the way, tomorrow is my last day at work. i'm wicked excited since maybe now i won't be so stressed out all the time. others are starting to notice it. i think i've been this way for a few months now. ever since all that shit went down with....nevermind. it's not even worth putting in here. it's seriously becoming a thorn in my side and something always has to push it deeper. i'm not upset anymore which is good. i'm just annoyed with it all. ok. done.

when i was driving tommy home tonight some idiot was tail gaiting me wicked bad so i slammed on the brakes to make him back off. so then he started it up again so i slammed on the brakes again and he almost hit me, but backed off again. eventually he hung back waiting for us to turn and then tried to fly past us so being the pissed off person i am, i decided to follow him, because well, what the fuck else was i going to do tonight? so i follow the fucker right up to his house and get out the car. he's this tall goofy looking kid who was obviously shitting his pants. here's how it went:

me "do we have a problem?"
ass "no, no man. i was just trying to get home"
me "oh yeah? by coming this fucking close to my tail?"
ass "i'm sorry man."
me "i bet you are."
ass "seriously, i apologize."
me "good. now get in the house."

at this point tommy is fucking dying with laughter. i wasn't even that mad, especially because the kid didn't expect two scary skinny mother fuckers to follow him home. it was just a funny experience that i wish we had gotten on tape.

oh yeah, and my sensei asked if i wanted to train to become an instructor. of course i said yes and he thinks i can become one in a little less than a year and a half. i'm wicked stoked because if i wasn't doing a band, i'd want to be doing that. i love martial arts so much, i would love to spend the rest of my life doing it. ki!

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