A Whole Lot of Game Updates

Dec 16, 2020 14:09

I've been tackling a couple games of late, so I figure I'll share some thoughts on their progression. There are spoilers present, mostly for Andromeda.

Animal Crossing: New Horizons

There isn't much to say here except that I'm still terrible at making snowboys (I've only made one perfect one so far) and I got this one million bell crown. :D Since I paid off my debt to Mr. Nook, I've needed something else to save for, and the most expensive items in the game are the crowns. So, now I will save up for the most expensive crown at one million two hundred thousand bells. Once I have that, I'm going to give it a prime place in my living room just to be a showoff. XD

I don't have many of the winter recipes yet, but it looks like most of them go into February, so not much to worry about there. I like that we're getting the ornaments out of trees now; they've been fun to shake out. :D I'm stockpiling the presents for Toy Day as well, but I think I need to start wrapping them.... But mostly I'm just hoping I'll get better at making snowboys.

Mass Effect: Andromeda

I think most of us are familiar with how much flack this game gets, so I was a little wary at first. Now that I've started it, I'm a little unclear on what all these complaints were about. 8D I know there were some glitches and stuff when it first came out, but I'm assuming most of that has been taken care of with patches (I haven't encountered any problems at least) and the characters and plot both seem great, so... Yeah. Might just be that people were being finicky about it not being the original cast. Regardless, I'm having a good time! I really like my Ryder who is so far coming across as a very logical, to the point woman:

She's not without emotion, however; I've had her express remorse at the loss of her father and worry about her brother, but otherwise she's all about the mission. I didn't know a thing about this character going into the game, but I was surprised to learn she worked on Prothean excavations on Earth. I feel like she'd get along well with Liara!

The supporting cast is just great as well. I haven't pursued any of the romance choices so far, but I'd say this is an all around good group. For the romances, I'm thinking maybe either Liam or Vetra. Liam is wonderfully chill and Vetra just seems cool. I guess we'll see! Although, to be totally honest, I really just wanted to romance SAM. XD I know, he's basically a disembodied voice, but he's residing inside her head! Who would know her and understand her better than SAM? But, alas, game developers do not want to give me such a bizarre, cerebral romance, so I will have to settle for one of the others or none at all. XD

I'm currently at the part of the game where I've just begun to piece together her father's locked memories, and I'm loving this mechanic. Can't wait to learn more about his backstory.

I am stuck on these monoliths, though. One of them is covered in red shields and I can't seem to turn them off. I turned off a ton of generators, but nothing happened. Do they all need to be on...? I have no idea, and the Internet is not helping. :/ I guess I might need to got to the next monolith and see if that one provides an answer.


There isn't as much to say about this other than I'm continuing my adventures in Mordor and it's going well! I had to test the streams of lava, though. I wondered if maybe I could swim through them while taking massive damage, but it turns out touching lava just results in death, which is a lot more realistic. XD I'm not sure what else to do with the Yule festival, but I'm having Viburnum do the Inn League Challenge to stock up on coins very quickly. Two Inn League coins equals 12 Yule coins, so that's a pretty good trade. So far I'm largely just using them to stockpile on dyes, but I feel like I should be trying to get more the pets. It's just, they cost so much more coins than the ones for Harvestmath. D: I'm a little annoyed by this discrepancy to be honest.

At some point I'll have to get the new cosmetics for my Landroval characters. The ones on Crickhollow are pretty well set.

And that pretty much sums it all up! I look forward to continuing these games.

game: mass effect, game: lord of the rings online, game thoughts, game: animal crossing new horizons

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