Snowboy Trouble & LOTRO Update

Dec 13, 2020 12:23

I've been having the hardest time making these snowboys. XD Every single day I get it wrong despite looking up how to make them, so I guess this is going to be a tough event. I also thought it only lasted a week, so I was trying to accept I probably wasn't going to get all the recipes, but I looked it up and apparently the snowboys can be made all the way through February 25th, and if that's true I might be all right! I will master this surprisingly difficult task. XD

In other game news, I finally got my hands on the Mordor and Minas Morgul expansions for LOTRO and I'm having such a good time with them! I'm too high a level for Mordor, but it's just nice to have some new content to play through. The plot is proving to be very juicy as well. It takes place after Frodo and Sam have destroyed the ring, so it's all about how the fellowship manages the lingering aftermath of the war. I think most of us have wondered how that would go at least a little, and I think the game is delivering on this front. I know a lot of people weren't thrilled with the grind (this has been an ongoing complaint about recent installments to the game), but I've decided not to worry about it and just go at my own pace. *shrug* I want to reach kindred with all the factions, but I'm not going to suffer to do it. XD I would also like to be raid ready, but my kinship doesn't do a ton of raids, and we're generally pretty chill when we do, which takes a lot of the pressure off.

The Yule festival has also taken off, and that has been fun, too. The new outfits are truly stunning. Here are a few shots of both Mordor and the festival:

You can't tell from the pictures, but the music in Mordor is just... *chef's kiss* Simply excellent. The vibes are precisely what I would hope for in this area. And they added a new track for the Yule festival as well, which is appropriately festive.

In Mordor I'm getting to know the stout-axe dwarves, a group who worked for Sauron but now wishes to rejoin their kind. Very curious how all that came about and if they're being truthful in giving up their previous ways. And as for the Yule festival, I really want this alabaster donkey. Donkeys are one of my favorite animals, but they haven't generally been in LOTRO. Now there are a couple! And of course I must get them all. :D

game: lord of the rings online, game thoughts, game: animal crossing new horizons

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