it's been a while

Jun 28, 2008 09:38

There are a lot of changes in my life. I feel like everything is stripped away. Or I need to strip everything away from me. I need to let go of everything and start over.

Alejandro and I met when I was 24. We met playing chess. He intrigued me from the beginning. He gave me the passion for music and art that I couldn't find with myself. Now I have music. Now I have art.

Two evenings ago he texted me "You have until the 31st of July" after I had messaged him telling him a girl I knew was into him and I could probably hook it up if he wanted without any strings. I texted him back with "For what?" He called me and told me I had until the 31st of July to move out of this house which I have spent the past 2 years in. I asked why. He said "Because that's how it is." I asked if I did anything. What I did. Why it was coming to this. He said "I am your ally, you are not mine. You have until the 31st of July to move out." "Okay."

So now I start over. A 7 year relationship or so over.

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