so in love

Apr 12, 2008 22:11

Leesa and I are doing really great. She is the best girlfriend I've ever had. I've never been this in love. All the problems seem to be getting resolved. One of the greatest things about my relationship with her is that I have grown so much. I have learned how to love more. How to trust more. How to fear less. How to be honest.

I'm learning to be selfless too. I think I've never really been selfless with any of my past girlfriends because I've never truly wanted anyone I was with and I've never felt comfortable with the rest of my life. I've seen the possibility of the rest of my life with some of my past relationships, but never felt completely at ease with it. Things always had to be different. Nothing has to be different with Leesa.

Tonight second saturday was SOOOOOOOOOOOO fun! It was just hoppin and it was so fun to skate around with newly-oiled bearings on my board by myself watching the apes with really nice haircuts dance to shitty techno. I felt like I was on the playa.

And I was thinking about Leesa the whole time. And how much I love her.

I've never fought for a girl before Leesa. I've never been so selfless. I've never stuck my neck out to protect any girlfriend before Leesa.
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