Soak in chamomile for 5 minutes, turning repeatedly.

Jun 30, 2008 22:22

The shower is finally done, but we still have no door installed on it, so until then, I have to be all 19th century and have a bath. How I miss showers! One of lifes simplier pleasures really, which I  never miss unless I'm camping or mum gets in a slack shower-door installer man. Shh. I have no idea what they're called. :| Anyway, I think I put in far too much essential oil in the bath, because my clothes, my skin, the entire bathroom, reeks of chamomile. I'm so relaxed right now I'm almost asleep, so at least it's working .

I'm also so poor I dropped the anthro class I was taking  next semester because the textbooks for that one class alone were going to set me back 200 bucks. The new one has no textbooks, and that was all the insentive I needed. It's kind of pathetic when you have to do that, isn't it? I'm trying very hard to refrain from a Jobseeker vs Student Centrelink allowance rant here, because it's so familar to me now it's boring.

On a more positive note, the Ethics Application I submitted for my anthro class came back today, and I got 19/20. I'm really surprised with that, as I had no idea what I was doing or what was expected. To be frank, ethics really isn't something I enjoy mulling over, so I put it off until absolutely necessary. I babbled. It just goes to show you how effective and useful the gift of the babble can be. Gah. If I ever have to see the worth "ethics" again, it will be too soon.

Has anyone else read Farenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury? I really enjoyed the premise, and thought that it would be my kind of book, but I'm having a bit of trouble getting into it. I can't find it in me to empathise with Montag, and his name is distracting - I keep calling him Monday in my head. Really, I'm just biding my time until Breaking Dawn, because other books at the moment seem to pale in significance to the completely addictive smack that is the Twilight Saga.

Oh! And this week shall not be as uneventful as the last! Huzzah! Light at the end of the proverbial tunnel. State of Origin is on Wednesday night, so Bekbek and I are off to watch the game at the Rissole (the RSL, Returned Services League, which serves meals and alcohol and has pokies and stuff), where we shall drink copious amounts of alcohol and act like wankers. My favourite. Add Kung Fu Panda and Hancock into the mix and you have a recipe that finally seems like a holiday!

drinking, movies, books, state of origin, renovations, uni

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