So, annoyed that you
don't get to play the latest installment of the
Silent Hill series?
Turns out it's all the fault of
this man:
As we all know, despite the average age for computer/console gamers being around 28 these days, Australia's classification system is screwy because it doesn't have an R18+ rating for games. Seems that when the last review of legislation went through no-one could imagine adult gamers so it got missed. To add the rating now requires the agreement of all state Attorneys-General before it can be legislated federally. All the A-Gs agree, except for South Australia'a Michael Atkinson. Apparently he has a philosophical opposition to anything that might earn an R18+ rating, so it's not going to change anytime soon.
Still, you can tell he's a dick just by looking at the braces he's wearing in that photo...