Blergh... It's really too late to be doing geological cross sections, but it needs to be done and even if I go to bed now I'm only going to get 2.5 hours sleep, so why bother?
Apparently I haven't posted here in about 10 weeks so I guess I have some filling in to do...
The US was good, if far too short a time with
my baby. People keep asking what I did there and seem surprised when I just get a blank look on my face and can't remember. The visit wasn't about doing stuff, just getting to spend time with Shay and enjoying all that everyday time that everyone else takes for granted I guess. Did go to the zoo, go out to some places, went downtown on the 4th of July, and saw a couple of movies - Hancock, which is good, but unless you've seen it I can't really talk about it without ruining it, and Wall*E which is just brilliant! I'm not normally one to get excited about movies (I though Heath Ledger's performance only just saved Dark Knight from being an average movie; the medium just doesn't engage me most of the time for some reason) but I can't wait to see it again with friends. I can't believe it's not opening here until the 18th September...
UWA screwed me over. I wanted to change degree streams so I could get a better quality geology degree and consider some post-grad stuff, but apparently the only way I could do that (and it's very unlikely that they would even let me) would involve them taking away what little credit they gave me and making me do first year again, even though I've done third year units and got distinctions. No PhD for me then... I'll just have to go out into industry and earn lots of money I guess. ;)
Am incredibly busy, as usual during semesters: 2 assignments a week for the first 6 weeks of uni (at least - I don't know what the second half of the units will involve), plus a six week job at work that I've been given three weeks to complete that's worth half my annual salary (no pressure!!) And on top of that there are the other two units that throw up assignments at random just to keep me on my toes.
Finally, VNV... Well, nothing to say that others haven't I guess. Pure brilliance! Hopefully people can understand why I was such a giddy fan-boy after the show in Melbourne last tour. I was willing to put money in to bring them out just so that people could experience what a VNV concert is, but I didn't have to - much, much kudos to
tiberius_n for organising a great show. And even more thanks his way for the invite out to dinner with the band this evening. I wasn't sure that I was interested because I have so much work to do, and despite loving the music I was never that interested in the people behind it. It turns out that Ronan is one of the coolest people I've ever met, completely separate from VNV (although admittedly VNV is responsible for his having travelled the world quite so widely...) I didn't think it would be possible to be more of a fan-boy, but I was proven wrong!! I just hope I didn't seem like a fawning idiot in front of them!! Perhaps I can tell
aegis_nullis that someone stole his set-list and keep it for myself... Damn, I shouldn't have said that - now it's going to be a lot harder to get away with!