Alias 3.15, 3.16

Aug 10, 2009 11:23

I really loved “Façade” and I don’t think that the lack of Lauren and Sark being a decent bad guy again had a small part to play. Quite the contrary. Heh. ;) But first of all, woo David Brent! Ricky Gervais really nailed the role. He was spectacular to watch. I loved the way they tricked him. Everything was so overly elaborate and unnecessarily complicated, it reminded me of the goodness of the first season. I liked that they weren’t just trying to get the whatever technology of the week, that they had a definable goal of diffusing the bombs. Ooh, that opening was so harsh. It was way more chilling to cut directly from the bomb squad guys to news footage of the aftermath than do the cliché “oh shit” looks and hear the beginnings of an explosion. So kudos to the editors on that one. See show? You do still know how to be good! Yay! I loved Vaughn working with Sark to defuse the airplane bomb and Sark plotting his escape the whole time. I rolled my eyes at typical Sydney thinking she was making an emotional connection, only to make matters worse by not shutting the hell up. I’m glad they haven’t *quite* forgotten Julia Thorne yet, even though I’m sure that day is coming soon.

Even though I don’t think “Taken” was as solid of an episode, I was still on a high from the quality jump of the previous one and that carried me through the weak beginning. A lot of the set-up was really plodding and rudimentary. Yes, it is always nice to see Dixon get a chance to DO something for a change but so much of it felt like See Carl Act. Act, Carl, Act! So I was glad to have the double secret mission of stealing the Rambaldi thingie from the black hole mountain headquarters. I miss Dixon working with Sydney in the field. And it was fun how Lauren’s evil plans made her help them win. That was good use of the dual loyalties they’re trying to make us believe the character honestly has. I’m utterly confused about Lauren setting up Sloane as the leak though. Part of me thinks he’s still behind everything so what’s he trying to get at? The Agents Bristow have already been consulting with him regularly so it can’t be easier access. Despite the diminishing awesomeness of Sark’s character, Sloane is still above thinking with his dick so I can’t believe his only motivation was just to get into Dr. Boobs’ pants. Maybe it really was just a chance to mess with her head because he’s bored and he can?

alias, 3rd season

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