Aug 07, 2009 13:59
I’m not sure why I took such a long break from this show. Yes, it started out due to my newfound True Blood obsession but then once I was caught up I still didn’t go back to it. The thing is, I didn’t find that I missed it either. I’ve been spoiled for Jack’s fate and I just don’t really care enough what happens to everyone else. And yet when I finally put in the disc last night, I definitely enjoyed what I was watching. But I also did other things while it was on, instead of giving it my full attention.
I think I took my break at a good point in the season. The “full disclosure” of Sydney’s missing two years seems to have provided a natural reset point in the story telling. And the time away somewhat mitigated my general annoyance with Lauren. Not that it didn’t start to return during “After Six” and “Blowback”. Honestly though, my problem with Lauren right now isn’t that she’s honestly jealous of Vaughn and Sydney, even while cheating on him and being evil. It isn’t that she is working with Quentin Tarantino to manipulate her way into higher levels of the Whatever Badguy Organization. It isn’t even that she had a gratuitous underwear scene or that her lips bother me far more than Myka’s on Warehouse 13 (ok, maybe a little bit of that last thing). It’s that she’s ruining Sark. He used to be such a great mysterious character and every time we learn a little bit more about his past, learn more motivation for him, see him doing anything outside of being mysterious and badass, he is diminished. It’s such a terrible waste and I hate that he’s being destroyed like that. Can it get any worse than being blinded by boobies into doing someone else’s dirty work? I mean, I thought it was bad enough that he was, how did he put it?, bankrolling the whole operation and being treated like a low level flunky.
I was intrigued by the possibilities in the arc with Sloane and the psychologist but if the point was just a stupid cuckolding of Jack I’m going to be very disappointed. I guess I wouldn’t put it past Sloane to make the shrink believe he’s Sydney’s real father for his own convoluted plans but I’m also not going to hold my breath.
I was initially excited when the action reset to the beginning in “Blowback” because I love timeloop episodes. But then it was just an alternate perspective episode and they didn’t even do it as well as they could have. They spent too much time showing us the exact same scenes with no changes and just cutting them differently. If you’re going to give us the Lauren side of things then don’t waste time with Syd and Vaughn again. And why did Sydney request an F150 by name? If it was to have the muscle to push cars out of the way, they sure didn’t use it when leaving the parking garage. If it was product placement, well, that was just odd.
I know it seems like I didn’t like any of it. That’s not true. I just have mentally reclassified this show into casual viewing instead of critical viewing. The nice thing about that is it’s easier to snark, while still enjoying it overall. ;)
true blood,
3rd season