Alias 2.10, 2.11, 2.12

Apr 18, 2009 21:32

As long as we're talking accents, what about Lena Olin? When Irina first showed up I thought she sounded flawless. But as we've spent more time with the character I've noticed there's something subtle sneaking in. Am I imagining things? Is it intentional?

I think that "The Abduction", "A Higher Echelon", and "The Getaway" are my favorite set of episodes so far. I'm just so impressed with the layering of storylines, both short-term and lengthy arcs. Getting Marshall in the field was great in and of itself but then resetting his role back to SD-6 was fantastic. I really enjoyed Faye Dunaway's character and especially what that led to with Jack. Very interesting that his wife (and ha! I was totally right that they're still technically married!) is the first person he turned to for the really detailed brainstorming. But truly, it was that Sloane and Emily arc that took my breath away. He's an evil bastage but I admit to a bit of squee when I saw him walking down the beach and they revealed his wife. That he loves her that much to go to those ends is quite amazing. And now he can't be tracked by the Alliance so I expect holy hell to be unleashed eventually.

The only element I'm annoyed with is the Sydney/Vaughn shipping. I hate the slow dance. Ooh she's got a crush on him. Boohoo he's back to dating his girlfriend. Will they really go shag above the French restaurant? Just, ugh, get it over with already so I don't have to deal with those treacly songs at the end of the episodes. Blech.

One thing I'm fascinated by, however, is just how little the actual missions themselves matter. Each episode gives us neat costumes and wigs and op-tech (love that term) and it's totally fun to watch and nearly always irrelevant to the overall feel. I had no idea this show would end up so influenced by the state of all the various interpersonal relationships. I guess that's why it's got such a big following still.

alias, 2nd season

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