Alias 2.13

Apr 19, 2009 14:26

"Phase One": shitballs. I did not expect a complete and total game changer like that. Especially not mid-season. Mr. b had a gig last night and so I was prepared to marathon an entire disc's worth of episodes. But after that I had to turn off the TV and just let it simmer for a while. I think I loved it. However, I'm perfectly willing to add the caveat that with hindsight I may come to loathe it as well.

First of all, ooh look! It's the famous Sydney in black lingerie with riding crop! And the first appearance of the "24 Hours Earlier" placard, which I've been told I will come to hate by the end of the series. This time it didn't bother me. It was unexpected to catch up to the timeline not even halfway through the episode and I was definitely amused by the Vaughn and Matt Parkman side of the action.

I'm a bit confused by when exactly Sloane figured out that the agents Bristow were doubles. I'm assuming the deleted portions of the email were so Sark could read over his shoulder when his conversations were still being recorded by the Alliance. And did he always have this endgame in mind when he partnered with Sark or was his inclusion merely a convenience? I suspect I'm thinking about it far too hard. Heh. That's the kind of place my brain goes to when I'm in the sleepless haze of the 4 am nursing session. A couple nights back I found myself pondering ways for Sydney and Sark to hook up. :-) Regardless of my newborn-induced, sleep-deprived "logic", I really did like that Sloane masterminded the entire take down of the Alliance in one fell swoop. I knew there would be hell to pay!

Finally Sydney and Vaughn make-out. I'm assuming there will be some manufactured method to keep them apart. I hate that shows think they can't let a couple be together and still have compelling stories. Loved that Dixon followed Syd's instructions despite the blow to his worldview. His phone call to his wife and his sheltering of Marshall were so poignant. He *knew* what was coming. I have no idea if these characters remain in the show or not but I hope we get to see the aftermath of the "betrayal".

Poor Will just can't win. I was totally rooting for him and Francie. He was right, it wasn't weird. So of course that meant that she's doomed. That sucks but I remain open-minded to see where they're going with the imposter.

alias, 2nd season

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