I have a personal shorthand for when an episode goes above and beyond and transcends its genre:
"Battlestar good". I do not use this term lightly and therefore it doesn’t become diluted in meaning. “Damage” was Battlestar good. Even when the psycho Slayer was basically just revisiting River Tam’s storyline and mannerisms, it was still chilling and well done. The whole thing was extremely unsettling and disconcerting. I was excited to see Andrew (I’m still astounded at how much I’ve grown to love that dork) but seeing his name in the credits wasn’t what tipped me off to the fact that the crazy chick was a Slayer. There was just *something* about her that reminded me of the primal, feral first girl and so that revelation wasn’t surprising. But it was indeed nice to have such a massive repercussion from the events in Buffy’s final season. Talk about fall-out from the Potentials. Damn. And it was amazing watching all those girls walk out behind Andrew at the end when he took possession of the nutjob because she’s “one of ours”. Wonderful use of the army. Lovely illustration of just how far Angel and his team have managed to delude themselves that they’re still Doing Good.
I didn’t believe for a moment that it was actually Spike that had kidnapped and tortured the girl. It didn’t seem like his MO. He was never methodical like that. He’s not that smart. So I actually found it fascinating and horrifying the way that she pasted him into those memories. He revealed himself as a demon to her initially and then to have actual Slayer memories of him mixed in was bound to lead to some confusion and conflation. And then to see Spike de-handed was one of the most awful images I’ve witnessed. Being that completely powerless is truly sickening. Angel’s and Spike’s conversation post-surgery was my favorite moment between the two of them to date. They finally tore down the walls. I don’t know that they could have been so truthful with each other if they hadn’t beaten the shit out of each other for the false Grail earlier. That they were able to acknowledge the positive in each other’s views of redemption and past wrong doing and how to let it affect their present lives or not was really well written and meaningful. “More than I’d like but not enough for you.” So much packed into that. So many interpretations.
I was pleased with Cordelia’s final appearance in “You’re Welcome”. It made sense to me that she would never, ever buy into the artifice of W&H because she herself is such a creature of artifice, reformed and evolved yes but nevertheless… I was mostly just happy to see My Girl Cordy again, after the abomination that was her personality last season. But dude, I know CC’s got a great rack but holy cow, what was with the shirts being opened so far down? That was like Grayza levels of cleavage! I guess with Angel wearing his shirts with fewer buttons done meant that she had to compete. It was a trifle distracting to actually see her bra though. Anyway, I liked that she was there for the reveal of “Doyle” and defeat of Lindsey. That brought a nice completion to both of their stories. Speaking of shirtlessness, I chuckled at how Captain James T it was for Lindsey to literally loose his shirt during his fight with Angel but then I realized they had to get him out of it in order to show off the groovy tattoo removal special effect. And frankly, it kind of fit with his good old boy personality. That’s always been one of my favorite things about the character. He wears shit kickers and a big ol’ belt buckle even while in the middle of trying to exact revenge upon his former employer and nemesis. His reaction to getting taken up by the Senior Partners was pretty hilarious. I guess I was all wrong with my prediction that Fred wouldn’t go for Wesley after he shot his father. Those were some serious googly eyes she was making at him while he was spell casting! And finally back to Cordelia. I knew she was dead from the moment she listed Doyle as the first soldier down. First I thought it would happen while in the secret whatever room with Angel and Lindsey. Then I thought Eve would sneak out of the elevator at the end and slit her throat. Then I wondered if I was wrong and she’d get to sex up Angel first. Oh but she was never really there! I liked that. That seemed right to me, that she called in one last favor and was able to project herself for one last battle. In my world she re-ascended and continues to watch the rest unfold below her.