“The Way of the Warrior” is a full on DS9 movie. It really could have stood up to the scrutiny of a theatrical release. Obviously my favorite thing is the arrival of Worf. It’s no secret I love Worf. Oh, I make fun of him constantly. He’s such a prude. He’s ridiculously conservative. He’s kind of a total dick. He’s not very good at inter-personal relations. He’s overly serious. He doesn’t know how to loosen up. Basically, he completely and totally sucks. Except for one thing: he’s fucking awesome. He’s badass. He’s hardcore. He’s tough. He’s true and confident and entirely honorable. It’s no wonder Martok loves him so much. As good as Worf was on TNG, DS9 is what makes him great.
'You cannot take away what someone does not have.''>
But here we are at the beginning of all that. Worf’s arrival at the request of Sisko, interrupting his overly serious meditation vacation. He’s about ready to quit Starfleet. And Benjamin tries to find common ground with this grumpy gus on that topic, but Worf won’t give an inch. He’s here to do his duty and nothing more. Because despite constantly moving in and out of favor with the High Council, Worf knows Klingons. And I love what DS9 does to reinvigorate the Klingons as a franchise alien.
First of all: MARTOK! Second of all: GOWRON! GLORY TO YOU AND YOUR HOUSE!!!!! I love them. I love their battle lust and their blood thirst and their honor and their fun and their dismay and their disdain and their refusal to give back the territory they won, despite retreating from Cardassia Prime. Knives through palms for blood tests. Threats of shunning Worf. Even the minor players are great. The old man that gets drunk with Worf. Martok’s young douche bag son looking to start trouble. The commander that Martok kills for getting busted searching vessels in Bajoran space. They’re all real and fully drawn characters, but still complete and true Klingons. I love Klingons!
There’s a lot of other good stuff in this one. Kasidy Yates looking gorgeous during her dinner with Benjamin. The opening sequence with the station-wide drill to catch Odo. Worf and O’Brien reuniting - that went a lot better for Miles than when he thought he was seeing Riker again! Heh. Prune juice! Root beer is the Federation! Kira being so flustered by meeting Worf in full-on princess garb. (And since when did she start going to holodecks?) I love that Dax was completely unconcerned by her outfit. And I immediately flashed forward to their relationship when Jadzia and Worf were sparring over her “Klingon Exercise Program”. Ooh, bringing Garak in to the wardroom to intentionally leak the Klingon invasion plans! That was such a great technique. I love that Dax caught on immediately when Sisko decided he needed to be fitted for a new suit but it took the rest a second to figure it out. Of course that led to the awesome Dukat and Garak fighting side-by-side scene. So many good quips. Oh man, I could go on and on and just mention every single line and every single scene from the entire episode.
And we close with two of my favorite things: Worf in his red uniform and Gowron delivering a threat in that awesome cadence of his, "You have sided against us in battle. And this we do not forgive... or forget." Yay! Deep Space Nine!