“Facets”: Finally, a Jadzia episode that I actually like! Maybe that’s because it’s really a Curzon episode? (Or is that an Odo episode?)
I do find it a little strange that she uses Leeta for one of her previous hosts. The character was only introduced two episodes ago, and only for that one. It’s a rare misstep of tell instead of show with the personal friendships onboard the station. But knowing that Leeta will be very involved in later seasons makes me give that a pass. At any rate, it’s a bit odd how quickly they breeze through all the hosts. A small amount of time gets spent on each one, so they can brush hair or be menacing or whatever, but it really all runs by very quickly. Because then we get Tuvix.
And I really shouldn’t snark about that because clearly the Odo/Curzon hybrid predates the Voyager episode. I love Curzon/Odo. I love seeing the joy that Rene Auberjonois brings to playing the dual character. I love that while you think Curzon has taken over Odo, it’s truly a full partnership and Odo is getting just as much out of the deal as Curzon. And I love that Jadzia herself has to handle matters. Jadzia without the influence of Curzon to help her. It’s a bit cheesy that Curzon was “in love” with her. I think the writers took it a step further than they needed for the story. But I still like how it wrapped up the mystery of why he was such a dick to her and then let her come back.
Also: awww, Nog in uniform. Yay Nog!
“The Adversary” gives us Sisko’s promotion to Captain. I feel like this is the penultimate step (Worf being the last ingredient) to really, truly bring us to Classic Deep Space Nine.
'No, it just means I'm never wrong.''>
I think this episode is deliberately setting up Eddington as a red herring. Did I think that before I knew where his character arc would eventually go? Can't remember. I feel like this one also deliberately sets us up regarding Julian. Bashir has *already* been a changeling! So when he gets swapped out later on, we don’t think of him because they wouldn’t go to the same well, would they? If they hadn’t planned that arc out yet then this is just another example of the superior retconning available to this show. It was great seeing the start of the blood screenings that will become so commonplace. And the final battle between Odo and the changeling infiltrator is just so brutal. So much for one changeling never harming another. "You're too late. We're everywhere."