I don’t think I’ve watched “Second Sight” since Eureka started. So I was looking forward to seeing Salli Richardson play someone other than Dr. Allison Blake. The episode itself is a bit of a throwaway but I don’t particularly mind it.
I think it’s important for Sisko to realize that he’s ready to move on after Jennifer’s death. And it’s especially important for him to know that his son is OK with that, too. Encouraging him even. We get some fun hints of the Benjamin/Curzon friendship as Dax wheedles him for details; I like that she just *knows* he fancies someone. I still don’t think the Nidell is Fenna reveal is all that shocking. It’s an interesting way to present Sisko with his [literal] dream woman but not have to do the typical TNG thing where it’s true love forever but oh wait, we’ll never see that character again once this episode ends.
I thoroughly enjoy Professor Seyetik. It’s marvelous that he knows, and does not care, that he’s a raging egotist that can put people off. The reactions of all the senior staff to him are perfectly in character. I even think that, though it’s abrupt, it’s in character for Seyetik to sacrifice himself for one last big bang, so to speak. He’s certainly never going to be forgotten in that star system. But for the rest of us? Eh.
The episode “Sanctuary” is sort of a classic Trek allegory. It’s difficult to enjoy it as a story because I’m far too aware of the intentions of the message. It sets up some interesting ideas and takes us through a lot of possible feelings and reactions but in the end, nothing lasting is affected.
My first thought is always, “Do they have the phage?” And then I’ll start giggling about Darmok, his arms wide when they can’t get the translator to work. And then I’ll be impressed with how much better this female led society is than Angel One. And then I’ll get distracted by the fact that Haneek’s second dress is totally leftovers from The Inner Light. At some point I pay attention to the plot again. Oh yes, that’s right, hating immigrants is Bad and Very Racist. Wait did Nog just hiss at that kid? While hiding behind his uncle? That’s so cute! I love Nog! What was I supposed to be Learning here? What is the Significant Message? Ooh, such a twist, just when we’re starting to think that the Skrreeans are secretly duplicitous, trying to weasel their way onto Bajor, psych! You’re such a cynic for siding with the Provisional Government! Thank goodness this Very Special Episode was able to point out my faults for me, in no way manipulating my emotions to do so. *eyeroll* At least there’s another mention of the Dominion.
I think that “Rivals” is quite a bit of fun. It’s cool that we get to spend so much time with a one-off character and I like that they made him one of Guinan’s people. That helps to sell the just listening angle nicely. The scene with the woman-of-a-certain-age with mining futures and then in the brig with the dying old bum are really fabulous. “Friend? Friend?” Hee!
I love the science behind the Rosencrantz & Guildenstern probability. There’s just enough technobabble to let me believe the luck device could actually work. It’s perfect that in the end, Rom comes out pretty much Even Steven and Quark benefits. Of course he had to go through having major competition and losing his brother and a Dabo girl to get to that point but hey, what’s a little pain when there’s profit to be made? I love the black catsuit that Dabo girl is wearing by the way. And it’s fun to watch Martus’s reactions both when he gets busted by the woman who owned the space he turned into the casino as well as when he realized that the woman at the start was actually the Jackal and he got played like Steve Martin and Michael Caine.
What else? OH! O’Brien and Bashir! Their tennis rivalry. How silly of me to forget the racquetball court and the big grudge match that Quark tricks them into playing! There are so many great details here. It’s hilarious that while Miles is wearing sweats, like any normal guy going to the gym, Julian has the most over the top, ridiculous spandex get-up, that he actually wears in public!!! Fits their personalities to a T. I adore Keiko helping her husband get ready for battle, it’s sweet and sexy and so loving.