Crazy Busy

Feb 17, 2009 14:07

I havent updated in ages I know.
I feel like I never have time to just sit in my chair and have free time anymore haha.
There's always something to be done.
I guess its what you would say... becoming an adult?
Im just playing.
But Im at school and I got like 15 mins till work so here i go! XD

Well Winter Classes ended looong time ago.

How I miss that class soo...
That was like the BEST COLLEGE CLASS EVER!
The people were so awesome, the teacher was funny, the class was always fun.
WE all took pics and stuff on the last day of class but I cant put it on here cuz I just dont have the time HAHA gomen.

Now its Spring Classes time
And money is suddenly being completely emptied from my pockets

My painting supplies was like $170! AND THATS JUST THE PAINTS KIT!

Still gotta buy canvases for each painting project we have. *sigh*
Not to mention AX '09 is coming up soon.. Oh my...
Ima try and ask my supervisor for a few more hours to work a week...

I really don't wanna go to work right now but I must!
Money here I come! Wait for me!

~Beloved Star

life, college

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