T_T Damn hag....

Nov 18, 2008 11:19

why do some teachers have to be such buttholes?! >.<;;

last class we were supposed to turn in an old essay we got back that had mistakes on it. i only had ONE freakin mistake ><;; technically it was correct, but she made a note sayin that there was a word that meant the same as a phrase i had written.
but that day my teacher kept talking about talking, gettin out of subject and stuff
she didnt mention turning in homework at all.
shes the type of teacher who doesnt like to see homework turned in all at different times and only takes it when she asks for it.
so i didnt turn it in

D: i talked to her today tho concerning the homework and asked when she'd ask to collect it. T_T she said it was due last week. I told her how she talked so much and didnt even take the time collect it. AND SHE BRUSHED ME OFF!!! GRRR

ok so I cuda mentioned it to her last class ;_; but she kept talking and talking about random things i forgot.. no one else turned it in either for the same reasons!

>_>;; we all did our essays on time but she gave them back bcuz she said she "just wanted to go over any mistakes so that we may learn from them" but it wudnt count against us. its was merely for the "benefit of learning" >___< SHE LIES!!!! ;_; she gave our essays back and didnt even record it.. everyone's missing that assignment on our grading sheets..

my grade isnt horrible where not having it wud matter much but still... i HATE not being credited for work that i did.. especially in english... grrr....


*sigh* =] there.. i feel a little better LOL =P

~Beloved Star


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