Jul 10, 2006 12:05
Okay I'm done, and don't ask or I shall kill you!
I miss my friends
I need someone stable (this is a grand total of 4 or 5 people who aren't here at the moment(as in someone who knows that other people have problems and doesn't drain the only little bit of life I have left)
I need a break
I want to jump off a clif
I wish I could fly so far away from my slef
I am in desprite need of affection (real affection, not sex, not booze, not chocolate, not physical relationships) I want to be held and feel safe
I DO NOT WANT< NEDD DESIRE OR EVEN ENJOY THE WAY I FEEL AND HAVE FELT FOR THE LAST 3 going on 4 weeks............................
I need my sanity back has anyone seen it?
the end