(no subject)

Apr 29, 2011 22:32


under construction; last updated 8.02
apollo;; the deity largely responsible for tanking ganymede's once idyllic life. while at first he'd busied himself with his desire for revenge and later a desire to end his own life, hanging around with only this guy as company for the better part of 4,000 years kind of changes things. while he'll certainly never forgive what apollo has taken from him, and he still carries a grudge, it gets tiresome after awhile. more often than not they simply settle for antagonizing each other, something that's carried over into death city. more bothersome now is his increasing awareness that the prince feels some odd trickle of concern for the sun's well being- something he brushes off as natural. what one might feel for a child running around in a world they don't understand. and he's adamantly leaving it at that.
hades;; also present in death city, and no less difficult to talk to, is the god of the underworld. while his emotions for this deity certainly don't run as high as they do for apollo, ganymede finds he has an easier time asking things of hades than he does of anyone else. granted, the answers he gets are usually completely objective and mostly beyond him, they're still answers, and he'll take what he can get.
zeus;; while the gods have all shown up unannounced at ganymede's apartment, none do so quite as often as zeus- whom ganymede is convinced likely never actually leaves. he's found the sky at his balcony window, come home to see him settled on the floor, and more often than not, the god drifts between ganymede's room, and that of his neighbor. mildly disconcerting at first, he's gotten relatively used to it now, and zeus' presence is almost an expected fixture of his day to day life. they haven't had any true communication of course, at least none that ganymede would call such, but zeus often presents him curiosities of death city and ganymede either begins an excursion or an attempt at explanation.
cross marian;; the epitome of an asshole neighborroommate. they hadn't exactly been off to a stellar beginning at his arrival, as cross had intended to contact him believing the prince was a beautiful lady. instead things just became incredibly awkward and ganymede decided the guy was rude (he is) and left it at that. at least until they found excuses to begin terrorizing each other, and what better reason than their proximity? things have slowly evolved as zeus seems to have taken a shine to the man, and cross' intoxication later lead to their state of joined rooms- but it's a tentative sort of peace. mostly cross lounges around naked, ganymede eats his food, and they ignore each other. when they don't bicker like an old married couple.
iceland;; if ever two people were going to have a hell of a time talking to each other. being in the same group for a mission to arizona, ganymede had intended to go along as a way to kill time, to satisfy his curiosity. instead he wound up being wielded for the first time, and to his surprise, the experience wasn't as unpleasant as he'd been lead to believe. he does enjoy talking to the nation, as much as ganymede is inclined to enjoy anything, and is acutely aware of the respectful distance and emotional walls that direct both of their conversations, but they certainly have an ability to read each other's motives incorrectly. or at the very least, ganymede appears to have a talent for making sure people dislike him, intentional or otherwise.


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