Sep 17, 2007 15:44
no hard feeling against me? why would you? lets be honest with each other for once...this is what i really thought about you, I thought you were the greatest person in the world. I looked up to you, thought that no one would ever be as perfect as you. I treated you as though you were a king of some kind. You were what I wanted to be, so I lied to myself and I lied thinking that we would be safe. This is what I found out about you...your a very negative person but you try to hide it through bullshit, you only think about yourself and doing what only makes you happier, you took advantage of the fact that I would do anything and take you back even after I was fed up with the way you treated me. You made me feel like the lowest thing ever. My self esteem went from 10 to 0. This is how i feel about you now...your a complete liar and not well imformed of things. I think that you like to minipulate people to do what works best for you. I feel sour feeling in my stomache when i think about you, a bad taste in my mouth when i say your name. I must thank you though for your acts and words. I'm not trying to be a "kid", Iam one. And so are you. If you knew that then you must be the worst person in the world...